Chapter 7: Blossoms of Spring

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Hermione had found a reason to see him again. She would give Severus the file, his to keep or destroy. And she needed a break, even if it had been only three months since her last visit when she discovered him alive. Chilly Winter was over. It was Spring and he had invited her back. The invitation was there in his own words, whether he meant it as such or not,

"You should see it in Spring and Summer."

His long-distance Apparition point sat in the brambles at the back wall of his property. Any time of year the overgrowth would provide good cover for comings and goings of the magical kind. This time there seemed to be newly planted juniper saplings on the other side of the wall which will eventually contribute to that end as well.

The air was brimming with anticipation and new life. The pinks of the Sea Thrift and Valerian covered the once-empty terrain spilling over the rocky edges of the cliffs. Buds of yellow gorse sprang up here and there. The tender shoots of Chickweed and White Garlic stood proudly while the snowdrops bowed their lovely white heads. Bluebells and violets had begun to open.

Everything was turning bright green dotted with colourful flora as if some great artist had tired of all the verdure blanketing the landscape. Sheep grazed with a casual indifference in the pastures. Other bouncing specks of white told her it was lambing season here at the edge of nowhere.

The acre behind his two story cottage, between house and laboratory, was filled now with raised planting beds and seemingly hundreds of terracotta and stone container plants. His two fruit trees stood proudly just behind the large outbuilding, shielded from the wild Atlantic winds. All on the verge of bursting into fruit and flower. He had been busy. This was paradise to a Potions Master. It was paradise to her.

Hands on hips Hermione stopped to stare past his home, peering out over an ocean that seemed to go on forever. Sea birds road the wind currents far above the waves, as usual at midday in pursuit of lunch, bright sunlight glinting off their white wings.

Alerted by his wards, Severus leant against the doorjamb of his backdoor and watched as she walked towards his cottage. He observed the young woman, poised, confident, wild hair loose in the sea air. Strong character squared her shoulders. Intelligence raised her chin. What age was she now? 27 perhaps? 28? Certainly not a child anymore. That was another lifetime ago. Now there was only this beautiful woman. Her profile, with its crown of cinnamon hair, proudly displayed the glow of the sun on her cheeks. Damn it! He was smitten.

The kettle whistled and Severus went inside to turn off the flame beneath the hob. Hermione entered a few moments later.


Severus turned to see a broad bright smile grace her face. It almost took his breath away.

"Ahoy. Tea?"

"Love some, thank you."

He finished preparing the pot.

"Please, have a seat." He nodded towards the large table set with an array of scones, berries, preserves and clotted cream.

Hermione removed her coat and laid it across the bench before sitting.

"You were right about your place in Spring. Everything is such a vibrant green."

"Well, the Emerald Isle and all that. Summer is even more lush but that time of year does bring stormy conditions and two scourges to the land. Firstly, the midges can be an issue 'though my wards protect this place from the annoyance. And, secondly, we get the occasional intrepid hiker, kayaker and rock climber looking to 'push the envelope' I believe is the phrase."

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