Chapter 8

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Warehouse Saturday 6PM

"I was certain that we arrested Mr. Sparkles the other day," Wasabi said.

"I know. It doesn't make any sense," Honey Lemon agreed.

"Yeah... hold on." Hiro patched his calm to the police station. "Hey, Chief Cruz..."

"Hiro? Something wrong?"

"Maybe? I don't know. When did Mr. Sparkles escape prison?"

"Uhh... he hasn't. Why?"

"We're fighting him now," Hiro explained.

"What? Hang on..."

Hiro dodged a car that was thrown at him and Baymax. "Right, take your time."

"This doesn't make any sense!"

"Uhhh... care to elaborate?"

"It can't be possible. I'm looking at Mr. Sparkes right now! And he's very real. Are you sure you're not fighting an illusion or something?"

"Baymax, use your fist," Hiro said.

The robot launched his arm, but Mr. Sparkles dodged it.

"We can't seem to hit him either," Gogo said. "By now I'd usually have something."

"Hey, Cruz, I'll call you back if we get more intel," Hiro said.

"Ok, be careful. I'll do what I can to find any information here."

"Thanks." He hung up and turned his focus back to the battle. "It's like he knows all our moves and what we're going to do next."

"Kinda like Noodle Burger Boy," Honey Lemon added.

"Yeah, but like, way worse," Wasabi muttered.

"Everyone, try to hit him all at once!" Fred said.

"Worth a shot," Hiro said. "Let's go, three... two... one..." they all either swooped in or threw something at him, but he managed to dodge all of them.

"The heck!" Gogo muttered. "This guy's usually a pushover, what happened?"

"What is that!" Fred shouted as he pointed to a blue light.

An armored figure hopped out of the light, revealing that it was a portal. They had blue armor and strange staff. He tapped the ground and fell into a second portal. Then he reappeared, slamming the staff onto Mr. Sparkles, letting off an electrical surge. The illusion deactivated and revealed that it was just a bunch of strange metal robots.

"Woah..." Fred breathed.

"Who are you?" Hiro demanded the figure.

Instead of giving an answer, he tapped his staff and fell into another portal.

"Am I the only one creeped out by this?" Wasabi asked.

"We have begun phase three! Yeah!" Fred exclaimed. "The third superhero arch! Or is it the fourth?"

"Baymax, did you get a scan on them?"

"My scanners were unable to process."

"I don't know if I like this," Gogo muttered.

"They helped us, whoever they are. Certainly, they have to be nice, right?" Honey Lemon said.

"I guess we're going to have to wait and see," Hiro said.

"Oh! This is just like Issue 93! A mysterious person comes and helps and then, she becomes part of the actual team when her identity gets revealed to them."

"Do you think that's what they want?" To be a part of Big Hero Six?" Honey Lemon asked.

"Maybe they just want to help or be a hero themselves. Honestly, I'm surprised this hasn't really happened already," Gogo said.

"It kinda has, but this is different. We don't know them at all..." Honey Lemon pointed out.

"Well, they seem like they can take care of themself. I mean did you see them literally one up that robotic Mr. Sparkles when we struggled to even land a hit?" Hiro said.

"That's what has me concerned. What if they're not on our side?" Wasabi gestures to the short circuited pile of metal. "They just did that like," he snapped his finger. "I don't want to go against that."

"Relax, we'll just wait and see," Hiro said. "Next time, we'll try to get a scan or something. If there's even a next time."

"That's true," Honey Lemon agreed.

"But did you see the tech on that guy? No way that was a one use show up," Fred argued. "He is so coming back!"

"Well, let's worry about that later. Right now we need to get back to the base and continue the meeting that got interrupted," Hiro said.

"Oh, yeah... The money thing... I really don't know. That's not what we do this for," Honey Lemon said.

"But if we get into the legal system, we actually get funding to help the city. Doesn't mean we have to use it for us," Wasabi said.

"We've never needed it before," Gogo said.

"Because we always dip into Fred's money. We do get world wide access to other forces like the military maybe?" Hiro pointed out.

"That is true..."

"We can get that by still claiming to be volunteers without pay," Gogo replied.

"True, but still doesn't solve the part that we're always using Fred's money."

"Honestly, I have nothing better to do with it," Fred said.

"So is this a no," Hiro inquired.

"Maybe we should think about it more," Honey Lemon suggested.

"Right. Cruz said we can have all the time we need. Just think about it, but don't worry about it," Hiro said. "Well, if that's what we have decided for tonight, I need to go back to aunt Cass. Later." He climbed back on Baymax and flew off. The others went their separate ways.

Lucky Cafe Sunday Afternoon

"Hey, Hiro!"

"Oh, hey Meghan." Hiro grinned as he turned around in his bedroom desk chair.

"I heard about that weird robot clone thing yesterday. Have any theories on who it belongs to?"

"No... I haven't put much thought to it. There's so much to think about like that mysterious person in a suit. Usually when that happens, they're super villains, but they helped us..."

"Maybe they just want to be a superhero too. I don't know if that means they want fame or just legitimately cares, I'm not sure."

"I don't think it would be for fame. They didn't stick around for anyone to have a chance to get footage of them," Hiro pointed out. "But being so mysterious is going to draw attention to them too, so I really don't know..."

"Interesting. Mind if I investigate?"

"Don't mention me at all if your dad finds out because he'll think I'll put you up to it and I need him on my side," Hiro joked.

Meghan rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever." She then smiled. "I haven't been this hyped to start a search since I wanted to figure out your identities!"

"Well, it's kind of the same thing-wait. Megan. Maybe this isn't a good idea..."

"What? Why?"

"Because I really don't like it when people find out my identity," Hiro admitted. "Maybe they're the same way. If they have good intentions, we should probably leave them alone."

"The problem with me finding out was because I wanted to share it to the world. We're going to keep it a secret if he or she means well. But knowing who they are would be a really big safety precaution and you know how to find them if something happens. Right?"

"Yeah, that makes sense. Alright, I don't see why not."


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