9 ~ Searching

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"I thought about hiding some of the guns. I did it before. I figured I could bury some out there. Maybe we don't touch them for years." Rick's voice fills the space of the small church. Citizens of Alexandria are packed into the pews, hanging onto his words. Cody stands in the corner next to Carl, behind Rick.

"Yeah. That's right. But what if the Saviors find those guns? What if we run into them when we have those guns on us? One of us dies. Maybe more than that. Maybe a lot more. Doesn't matter how many bullets we have. It isn't enough. They win. It's that black-and-white. Hiding a couple of guns isn't the answer, not anymore. We don't have to like it, but we need to give them over. A Glock 9 and a .22. That's what they're looking for. Who has it? Someone knows where they are or they know who does. If we don't find them, they're gonna kill Olivia. They'll do it."

A heavy silence settles over the room before someone speaks up. "Why do they care? Two guns aren't a threat to them."

"But those guns could help protect us from whatever else is out there. Do you have 'em?" 

The man scoffs. "Wish I did."

Rick sighs, "Most of you weren't there. You didn't have to watch." The room becomes uncomfortable as he talks. "But you can look away now when someone else dies, or you can help solve this. We give them what they want, and we live in peace."

Another man shifts in his seat. "Say we find the guns. How are we gonna get out of this, Rick? There is no way out of this."

"Let me put this to all of you as clearly as I can. I'm not in charge anymore. Negan is. Now, who has the guns?"

Cody glances around before realizing something. "Not everyone's here."


Cody stands in the Monroe's apartment, looking out the window at a very scared Olivia and a smug Negan. They sit on a couch, probably stolen from some Alexandrian. Anna stands behind them, fidgeting with her hair. Cody turns when Gabriel enters the room.

"Nothing. Still. I just... I feel like... I know this is going to work out." Gabriel comments cheerfully, and confidently. 

Cody scoffs and cross my arms. "How?"

He shrugs. "We'll find the guns. We'll get through today. Then we'll find a way to go forward, how to beat this."

"There is no beating this." Cody snaps, rolling her eyes.

He smiles. "Yes, there is, somehow. I have faith in us. I have faith in you. Things change. You're my friend. It... wasn't always that way."

Then Rick enters. Gabriel smiles one more time before turning to Rick. "Where's Michonne? Could she possibly have--"

"She doesn't have anything they're lookin' for. What you did with the graves, it was quick thinkin'. Thank you."

"It was nice digging a grave I knew would stay empty."

Rick looks at his daughter. "No luck?"

Cody nods. "We searched the house, Rosita's. There's nothing. So what do we do now?"

Rick pauses. "If they were anywhere, they'd be here. Spencer's done this kind of thing before. We keep looking. Maybe today works out. I'll check the garage."

Gabriel agrees. "I'll look in Deanna's office again."

"I'll search out here again." Cody comments. As she searches, Cody notices that one of the floorboards sounds different when you step over it. She crouches down and raps her knuckles against it, listening carefully. It's hollow. Cody peels it up and out of the way and gives a sigh of relief. It's the guns.

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