2 ~ Hard Math

22 1 0

(Time skip several months)

"Come on Anna, you need to focus."

Anna sighs and frowns, glancing at Laura with a frustrated gaze. "This is stupid. Why would I need to know multiplication when the undead wander around?"

She hides a laugh. "Your dad wants you to know, so you're gonna learn it."

For some odd reason, Negan thought every ten-year-old in the apocalypse needed to know math, reading, and writing. He says it's important for Anna's brain to keep growing even if the world ended. She disagrees.

At least Laura's the one teaching her today. It changes from day to day but Laura is the nicest when Anna messes up or daydreams too much. Arat and Atlas just yell like she's supposed to know the answers right away, and Negan gets frustrated and destroys the worksheet.

But not Laura. Laura takes her time and helps Anna think stuff over. She feels like Anna is actually learning stuff with her.

After dad saved Laura the day that Lucille died, they became friends. She feels more like a sibling than Atlas does. She talks with Anna, helps with her with panic attacks, and even lets Anna play with her hair. Sometimes Anna thinks she does it cause she feels bad about what happened to Lucille or because Negan asked her to, but Anna doesn't care.

They finish the math sheet and Laura lets Anna leave. The girl runs out of the room and down the hall. People greet her as she passes by. Some even give her high fives or smile. Some do it because they actually like her while others do it out of fear of Negan.

Anna ignores most of them, with the exception of the few people she actually likes, and keeps moving through the hallways of the factory. She takes the long way to her room, avoiding the main floor.

The main floor is where the lowest-ranked people hang out. It makes her sad to see them knowing that she has it much better than they do. Negan says she needs to get over it and that his points system is best for everyone, but that doesn't make it any less sad to her.

Anna keeps moving through the halls until she reaches Negan's room, and knocks. She used to just push the door open but then Negan started "Marrying" women and it only took one time of walking in at the wrong time for her to start knocking.

Anna hates her dad's "Wives". It was like he was trying to replace Lucille or something. She hated it and told Negan often. He brushed her off saying he was just helping the women get better benefits and that as a man he had "needs", whatever that means.

"Come in." Negan's voice calls out.

Anna pushes the door open and peeks in. "Daddy?"

"I'm here baby girl, come on in."

She grins and walks into the large room. Negan's room was the largest in Sanctuary, only Atlas' and Anna's coming close to it's size. It had a big bed, couches, sinks, a bathroom, and a closet. While Anna's room had all that with the exception of the sinks.

Negan was sitting on his couch, that stupid bat by his side. Anna skips over and sits down next to him, pushing the bat to the side.

"Whatcha doing?" She asks.

He smirks and wraps his arm around her. "A bunch of mind-numbing paperwork. What about you Sunshine?"

"I finished my homework for this week and cleaned my room, sooo, I was hoping we could go for a drive." She gives him her best puppy-dog eyes and smiles sweetly.

He sighs and shakes his head. "You know I can't Sunshine. I have to keep this place in check."

She groans and flops back onto the couch. He chuckles at her dramatics and shakes his head. She crosses her arms and pouts.

"We never do anything fun, I hate this place."

"Hey. Don't talk like that. This place keeps you safe, got it?" His tone becomes a little tense, making her stiffen. Negan doesn't like it when she complains and whines a lot, and says it's annoying. Atlas says she sounds like a pussy.

"Sorry dad."

He sighs and looks at her. "Sorry for snapping, you know how cranky paperwork makes me."

Anna nods quietly, as he reaches over and pulls her close. "I love you Anna Sun."

"I love you too dad."

They sit there for a moment before a knock is heard at the door. Anna groans and moves so Negan can answer the door. He stands and walks over, his face turning stiff and tough. He opens the door and Simon stands there.

Anna don't like Simon, he's creepy. She doesn't trust him either, but Atlas loves Simon, not romantically though, more like a best friend. He follows Simon around like a puppy, helping him enforce the rules. And sure enough, Atlas stands behind Simon, but he doesn't look mean like usual.

Instead, both Simon and Atlas look stunned. Negan stares at Simon, "What is it?"

"The Satelite Outpost, it's been hit. Everyone's dead."

Anna sits up and stares at Simon in shock. She quickly gets off the couch and walks over, "What about the baby?"

"Anna, be quiet," Negan tells her, not letting Simon respond to the girl. Anna shuts her mouth and stares at the ground. She was just worried about baby Gracie. She was born at the outpost and Anna got to hold her when Negan and her visited a couple of weeks ago.

Negan's face is angry and stern-looking as he thinks. "Everyone?"

Simon nods. "Some had survived and contacted us before getting wiped out. Heard the names of some of 'em. I sent some men to follow their tracks and watch them for now until we decide to do something."

Negan nods. "Good. Tell them just to watch. I want to meet these people face to face, show them what it means to cross the Saviors."

Simon nods and hurries off to spread the news. Atlas stays behind and walks into Negan's room, pushing Anna aside. "You gonna kill 'em dad?"

Nervousness grips her heart as she wait for Negan's answer.

"Not all of them. I'm gonna kill one as an example and take control of their community. I will make their lives a living hell."

Atlas grins evilly. "Excellent. Can I help?"

Negan nods, sitting down on the couch and grabbing Lucille, running his hand over the bat. Atlas sits in a chair across from Negan, beckoning Anna over. She slowly makes my way over, staring at Lucille. Atlas throws his arm around his sister.

"Just imagine it, Anna Marie. Dad, standing over yet another crushed head with Lucille in hand. You and me, cheering him on."

She swallows and stares at my brother. "I don't wanna see."

"Leave her alone Atlas. She's not ready to see me work my magic." Negan snaps, sending a glare to Atlas.

Atlas scoffs and takes his arm off her shoulders. "She's gonna have to get used to it one of these days."

Anna prays that he's wrong. She prays that she never gets used to the blood like Negan and Atlas did. She hopes that she cries whenever someone dies, and that she will never have to kill anyone. She prays that she's never like Atlas or Negan.

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