10 ~ Opposites

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Anna stares out the window silently. Having shown such good behavior in Alexandria she had been upgraded from Atlas watching to Negan watching. She was currently sitting between him and Atlas, the latter driving the truck packed with supplies. 

It's not long before the trio pulls into Sanctuary's yard. Negan and Atlas climb out, Negan offering a hand to his daughter as she climbs out as well.

"Okay, boys, let's get this haul unloaded and inside. I want to get back in there and unload a little myself." Negan calls out, a smile on his face.

"Negan, need to talk to you about redirect." Savior comments, approaching their leader.

"What about the redirect?"

"It got screwed up. We're on it now, but it's a mess out there."

"And whose job was that? What did we lose?"

"A pack and a tent..."

Negan sighs, "Aw, damn. I thought they packed this up tight. Ah, no worries. Plenty more where this came from. Right?" He begins to laugh, only to be shut up by the ring of gunfire. Negan grabs his daughter, pulling her behind himself and a few Saviors.

They come to the back of the truck to discover Rick's son Carl standing there, gun ready.

Negan begins whistling, "Damn. You are adorable. Did you pick that gun 'cause it looks cool? You totally did, right? Kid, I ain't gonna lie... you scare the shit outta me."

Carl glares, distracted by the dictator. Dwight uses the moment to knock Carl down, off of the truck, and pin him on the ground. Anna flinches as the boy slightly older than her is roughly pinned.

"Dwight. Back off. Is that any way to treat our new guest?" Negan scoffs, approaching the teen. Anna follows closely behind. Negan smirks and offers his hand to the boy. "Come on, kid. I will show you around"

Carl doesn't move, glaring daggers at Negan. Negan chuckles in response. "You know, you do the same damn stink-eye as your dad, except it's only half as good 'cause... well, you know, you're... missing an eye."

Negan chuckles again and offers his hand once more, Carl still refusing the help. "Really? You're really not gonna take my hand? 'Cause you're lucky you even still have a hand. Same as your boy Daryl over here, now that I think about it."

They all look over at Daryl, who stands at a distance looking nervous. Negan waves. "How's the job going, Daryl? Hot enough for you?"

Another chuckle. "Yeah, it'd be tough with one arm." 

Anna stares at Carl, praying that he just obeys, worried for his safety. Carl glances at her, prompting the girl to nod. Carl sighs and takes Negan's hand, standing up. 

Negan smiles. "Ah, smart kid. Now come with me." Negan looks over at Dwight. "Dwighty-boy, why don't you grab Daryl, take him to the kitchen, do a little grub prep. New plan, boys. Let's burn the dead, unload the truck later. Damn, I am not gonna have time to screw any of my wives today. I mean, maybe one. Come on."

Anna sticks to her father's side like glue, peeking back at Carl as they head inside and upstairs.

Carl glares at Negan's leather bound back. "What are you gonna do to me?"

Negan stops in his tracks and turns around. "Number one, do not shatter my image of you. You're a badass. You're not scared of shit. Don't be scared of me. It's a disappointment. Number two... you really want me to ruin the surprise? Screw you, kid. Seriously. Screw you."

"Check this out. The Saviors have gone out into the world and fought the dead and come back with some really good stuff. Some of that stuff can be yours if you work hard and play by the rules." Negan narrates, motioning to the people on the main floor. He smiles and calls out to everyone. "Today, everybody gets fresh vegetables at dinner. No points needed."

Applause erupts in the room.

"You see that? Respect. Cool, huh?"

Next they walk through the halls to the Wives Lounge. Anna visibly tenses as they enter the lavish room, piquing Carl's interest. 

"Ladies. Don't mind the kid." Negan announces, making his presence clear. He looks to Carl. "I know. Every woman where you're from dresses like they do the books at an auto shop. You're gonna want to look at their titties. It's cool. I won't mind. They won't mind. Knock yourself out."

Negan glances at Sherry. "Can I talk to you for a minute, dear wife?" Then he turns back to Carl and Anna. "Make our guest comfortable Anna."

Anna sighs and silently leads Carl to the couch. Together they sit down, the wives ignoring the pair. Carl glances at Anna, "So, you're Negan's daughter?"

Anna nods, "Yeah, there's also my brother Atlas, but he's kinda of an asshole."

Carl can't help but chuckle at the younger girl's words. "I understand, older siblings can be a drag sometimes. I have a sister, named Cody, and she acts like she's the only thing that can protect me sometimes."

Anna smiles back at Carl. "Atlas isn't really like that, but I glad for you."

"Carl, will you grab this tray for me?"

Anna's face falls at the sound of her father's voice. She wordlessly stands, moving back to her father's side as he hands Carl a tray after taking it from Daryl who just entered.

Daryl narrows his eyes at Negan. "Why do you got him here?"

"Whoa! What we talk about when you're not here... is none of your business. Do not make me put this toothpick through the only eye he has. You go with Dwight. He'll get you a mop. Dwighty boy... fire up that furnace. I'll be down in a few. Time for a little deja vu. Come on, kid."

Anna tenses, looking at her father with slight panic, knowing what was coming. Negan ignores her, leading Carl and Anna back to his room.

Carl glances at Negan. "Are all of those women actually your..."

"Wives? Yeah. Always wanted to screw a whole bunch of different women. I mean, why settle for just one? Why follow the same old rules? Why not make life better?" Negan grins, sending his daughter a look when she scoffs.

Negan rolls his eyes and lets the kids inside his room, motioning to his couch and chairs. "Speaking of... sit. Let's get started."

Carl sits on the chair as the Smith's sit together on the couch. Carl looks at Negan curiously. "Started on what?"

Negan chuckles, "I want to get to know you a little better, Carl."


"Work it out. You're smart. In fact, I'm gonna tell you just how smart you are, in case you don't already know. See, I'd expect a kid your age to be moping around, not doing a damn thing, except crying about missing the prom. But you... you go on a mission. You find me, you kill two of my men, and you're smart enough to know that I'm not gonna let this slide."

Another chuckle. "Ah, I can't... I can't do it. It's like talking to a birthday present. You got to take that crap off your face. I want to see what Grandma got me."

Anna turns to her father with a horrified look.

Carl glares. "No."

"Two men! Two... men. Punishment. Do you really want to piss me off?"

Carl sighs, unwrapping his eye patch. Anna turns away as Negan smirks, "Almost there."

The bandage is removed, Carl staying silent as Negan reaches toward him. "Get that hair out of your face. Let me see. Christ! That is disgusting. No wonder you cover that up." He chuckles, elbowing Anna so she can see. "Have you seen it? I mean, have you looked in the mirror? That is gross as hell. I can see your socket. I want to touch it. Oh, come on. Can I touch it?"

Anna frowns, seeing Carl cry, and elbows her father sharply.

Negan sighs, "Damn. Holy hell, kid. Look... I just... It's easy to forget that you're... just a kid. And I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. I... I was just screwing around. Just forget it."

A knock sounds at the door. It was time for the main event.

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