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"I am so glad they're still doing this

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"I am so glad they're still doing this." Kie says, leading her friends to the big blow up screen which is titled "OBX Summer Movie Series." Pope, JJ and Mar are all following behind, the two boys carrying chairs and coolers that Kie and Mar made them hold. Nobody had heard from John B all day since the morning. "Keep calm. Carry on. Back to OBX life you know? Aren't you guys glad that I made you come?"

"Ecstatic" Pope mutters, setting his blue chair down.

"My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest." JJ says, fixing his hat.

"You promised me twenty bucks if I came, Kie." Mar laughs, hitting her friend on the shoulder.

"Oh my god they are really annoying, I'm gonna go get drinks, you want something." Marleigh whispers to Kie, the two watching JJ and Pope talk amongst one another. "Pepsi, please." The curly haired girl smiles, watching her blonde friend walk off to the concession stand.

"Hi, um may I have four Pepsi's?" Mar asks the man working, grabbing the cash from her back pocket. "Hey, Giant." A voice calls, making the girl roll her eyes. "What's up?" Rafe says, cutting the line and standing next to the girl. "Oh I am with her, just add another Pepsi, will ya? Keep the change." The Kook says to the worker, throwing him a twenty from his wallet.

"How are you, did you ever find Mackenzie the other night?" He grins at the girl, ignoring the annoyed people behind him. "I am fine, and no I didn't find him, thanks to you, Cameron." Marleigh smugly admits, using both her hands to grab the four Pepsi's and leave before Rafe runs in front of her again. "Wait, wait. Um, tell your boy that we know what he did."

Although Mar knew that this was probably about Pope getting revenge for the two Kooks jumping him, she chose to stay oblivious. "Huh? What are you talking about?" She says, throwing the boy a confused glare. "Don't worry, he'll know." Rafe says, smirking down at the girl as he throws the soda can between his two hands. Starting to walk away, the blonde chuckles at the girl. "Bye, Giant. You're welcome for the drinks, by the way!"

"Um, I saw Rafe, and he wanted me to tell ya'll that he knows what you did, whatever that means." Marleigh sarcastically smiles, handing her friends the sodas as Pope and JJ tense up. "Where is he?"

"Right there." Mar says, turning her head to look at the Kook with his friends. "Great the whole death squad." Pope frantically turns back, looking into space. "Did you tell Kiara?" Mar whispers to JJ, her eyes going between the boy and the Kooks who are still watching the Pogues like a hawk. All the blonde does is shake his head and look to Pope. "Just warning you bro, if they corner me I am coming out swinging, slicin' and dicin'. I am on edge right now. And if that doesn't work I got this right here." The boy says, holding up his bag.

"I am sorry, JJ please tell me that you did not bring the gun here. JJ there are kids-" Kie says, gritting her teeth.  "No, Kie I didn't bring the gun okay, everything is fine."

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