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The day after Naruto learned hope was missing he finds out Caroline called niklaus and asked for his help. They left Naruto at the not even giving him a chance to come. Not liking being left out Naruto packed his things and went after them using his demon speed to catch up. In a matter of a few hours he does finding them in a parking spot getting ready to leave. Naruto jumped infront of the car scaring them.
" What the hell! Naruto! What are you doing here"
Caroline says as she and niklaus get out of the car.
"I was wondering the same thing because it looks like you left me behind to find hope. Does Any of that ring a bell."
Naruto says crossing his arms disappointed in her for leaving him behind.
" look Naruto was it this really doesn't concern you so go back to the school"
Niklaus said pointing in the direction of the school.
"Nope im good, I made hope a promise that I plan to keep. so you either you take me or we argue for another hour wasting time when I'm going whether you like it or not."
Naruto said glaring at the two to say no. Naruto gets close to Caroline secretly stealing her phone to track hope.
"Fine you can come."
Caroline says getting back into the car. Niklaus was shocked she let a student come on a dangerous adventure.
"What your letting a child come."
Niklaus says astonished by Caroline decision. Niklaus gets in the car to but when Naruto trys to get in the door was locked.
"Sorry Naruto but I would be a terrible teacher and mother if let you come."
Caroline says putting her foot on the gas leaving Naruto at the parking lot.
"You know I'm not really surprised"
Naruto says to himself taking Caroline's phone out and finding the find my phone app open.
"There you are."
Naruto said running off to find hope. It wasn't that far for Naruto only a few hours away but with his speed Naruto could get under an hour. Naruto to get there quicker goes in his demon form. After about a half an hour of running and jumping through the trees Naruto found a old house where it says hope is. Not taking any chances he send the location to niklaus. Sneaking up to the window Naruto could see hope and another women in chains as the Roman guy he met was there as well. So Naruto comes through the back to not make any noise he sneaks the room there being held. He could here Roman saying that they were abominations and that they shouldn't be allowed to exist. Naruto speeds behind Roman about to knock him out when all of the sudden feels weak. Falling to his knees drawing the attention of the others.
" Naruto what are you doing here"
Hope asked confused as to why he's here. Naruto couldn't respond as he trying to figure out what's wrong with him.
"I had a feeling the demon would be coming so I had some witch's come and put a barrier around the house that weakens demons. In here you be as weak a human."
Roman says giving out a small laugh like he's won. Naruto getting used to the feeling of being at human strength again rushs Roman who was surprised he can still move that fast. Roman using his vampire speed to knock Naruto to the ground and put cuffs on him.
"Sorry hope this barrier is a bitch, it's messing with my chakra to."
Naruto says noticing it was much harder to control his chakra then usually.
"It's alright Naruto I'm just glad your here."
Hope says smiling at him.
" Hope who is this?"
The women asked hope.
" OH this Naruto a friend I made a few days ago. Naruto this is my mother Haley Marshall."
Hopes says introducing the two to each other.
" Wait this is your mother."
Naruto said surprised
" yeah im hopes mom nice to meet you"
Haley said glad that her daughter has such a loyal friend who would come out here for her. She was a little worried and curious about the demon thing but decided to put that off for another day.
" I see where hope gets here good looks from."
Naruto said cheeky making hope blush.
" Naruto you pervert."
Hope said pouting which was very cute in Narutos opinion. Haley was surprised by his forwardness.
"Shut up"
Roman says losing his cool.
"Nope sorry not really good at being quiet especially to dirt bags like you."
Naruto says smirking, pissing people off was his favorite pass time.
" OH you want to talk, how about I give you something to talk about."
Roman says pulling out a bone like dagger. Haley recognized the dagger and started freaking out.
" no stop do you know what that thing does."
Haley says trying to break out of her restraints. Roman smirks and stabs into Naruto. Naruto feels the dagger enter him and an overwhelming amount of pain starts to come.
Naruto screams falling over not being able to bear the pain. Hope was frantic trying to go over to him but Roman pulled her back.
"No, let the demon feel some pain."
Roman says as Naruto closes his eyes trying to concentrate through the pain. After the dagger went in him time seemed to fly by, voices over lapping. Naruto got used to the pain mostly and was able to get a handle on his chakra. A person enter a house a witch with equipment for a binding spell. They were talking about doing a biding spell on Haley. Naruto cut there vocies out as he concentrated on making a genjustu. He was always terrible in the art of illusions but he didn't have much of a choice at the moment. Naruto used a genjustu to cover his movements, he crawled over to Haley leg and place a seal on it. It was amodified food preservation seal. He tried to modified it so it would keep Haley a hybrid even after the binding spell, if it worked right. Naruto goes back to he spot he was at and undos the genjustu making him fall back exhausted. Hope sees this but didn't question it to worried about her mom. They do the binding spell making her cry out in pain from being branded. Hope has tears in her eyes at the sound of her mother cry of pain. After the bideing spell they check by putting her hand in the sun. Naruto seal only works when he activates it so she got burned by the sun light.
" nothing but a vampire now."
The witch says Haley then punches the witch knocking her out as hope kicks Roman on the face sending him to the ground. Hope and Haley picks up Naruto and go to the door but they stopped when they realized Haley couldn't go outside.
"You need to take your friend and run, I'll be fine"
Haley says trying to convince her daughter that she will be fine. Naruto trys to speak but no words came out.
Before hope could respond a vampire come in spraying hope with some dust that knocks her out. The women also open the currents making Haley go in the corner.
" If you lay one finger on my daughter then I'll-."
Haley starts but the women interrupts her.
" you'll do what, your in no position to make threats."
The women says crouching down to her son.
" sorry mom"
Roman says ashamed he failed her.
"No its alright I'm here now."
The women said helping him to her feet.
"Now let's finsh this."
The women says pulling out a stake to kill hope. Naruto was about to try to save her but couldn't get up. Haley on the other speeds over to the women knocking her into the next rooms wall. The women then switch places with Haley holding her by the neck and slamming the hybrid in the wall. At that moment niklaus comes in but is immediately stabbed with a stake by a man in a suit.
Haley whispered Naruto barley able to pick up on it. Elijah walks over to Roman looking at Haley strangely.
" are you alright roman"
Hearing Elijah's say that seemed to bring a lot of pain from Haley. Haley looks at him then to hope and finally to the women holding her down. She then breaks the women's hold before grabbing her and speeding towards the door. As they fall outside Naruto activates the seal turning her back into a hybrid. Haley was frozen though not able to move a muscle while the women screams burning to death. Niklaus jumps outside to check on her confused as to what happened. After that Elijah grabs Roman and speeds him out of there. Caroline comes inside the house and checks on the teens on the floor.
"Is hope alright"
Niklaus asked as he carrys Haleys body inside.
" Yeah she's just knocked out."
Caroline says picking up hope.
" Ye-Ah s-he sho-uld be f-in-e th-ey onl-y kn-ok-ed h-er ou-t."
Naruto says struggling to get it out.
"Naruto what's wrong."
Caroline asks seeing him in pain.
" dagg-er i-n ch-est."
Was all Naruto could say before passing put to tired from the days events.
"He must have that stupid pain dagger in him."
Niklaus says putting Haley down next to hope and coming over to Naruto.
"Then how do we get it out of him."
Caroline asked worried for Naruto.
"We take it out."
Niklaus says jabbing his hand in Naruto chest pulling out the dagger freaking Caroline out.
"OH my gosh warn me will ya"
Caroline says disgusted
" now where the fun in that. Now help get them to the car."
Niklaus says picking up Haley once more and going outside. They put hope and Naruto in one and Haley in the other car they found. Caroline will take hope and Naruto back to the school while niklaus will take Haley back to New Orleans.

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