truth reveled

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After Naruto left the conceil meeting he went outside and slept in a tree not wanting anyone to find him. He fell asleep in the tree not waking up till the nest morning. Naruto woke somewhat early and stretched on his tree branch. Naruto looked down and saw a kid looking up at him, jumping down next to him.
" Hey what are you doing out here"
Naruto asked kneeling down to the kid.
"I always wake up early."
The kid says shrugging.
"Well what's your name mines Naruto."
Naruto said introducing himself.
"My names Pedro I'm a mage."
Pedro says making a spark in his fingers disappointing him.
"What that's pretty cool."
Naruto said trying to make the kid feel better.
"I wanted to make a fireball."
Pedro said making Naruto smile.
"OK how about I help you."
Naruto said offering his help.
"Really! Are you mage to."
Pedro asked excited.
"Haha no but I do know a bit about magic. Now I want you to close your eyes and picture a fireball in your hand. Don't use magic yet just picture it, the flames, the heat of it."
Naruto says as the kid holds his hand out picturing a fireball.
"Good now look deep inside yourself, try and find your own flame, your magic. When you find it grasp it make it big amd come to life through the palm of your hand."
Naruto said as the kid struggled to grasp his magic so Naruto helped him out. He touched the kid head sending a sliver of his own chakra to increase the size of his magic reserves. With the kids bigger magic reserves Pedro was able to bring a decent sized fireball in his hand before it went out when he lost focus.
"Ah man I had it"
Pedro said pouting making Naruto laugh.
" you did good all you need is some practice and you'll be shooting fireballs out of your toes."
Naruto said making the kid smile and laugh.
"How about you get to your room before the grouch Dr.saltzmen come."
Naruto said as the kid runs his room inside. Naruto went inside himself going to his room where he finds hope sleeping on his bed. Smiling softly at how beautiful she looked when sleeping Naruto sat down next to her.
"You know meeting you is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me."
Naruto said not knowing hope was actually awake. Not wanting him to know what she heard she acts like she was just waking up.
"Naruto I waited for you."
Hope said fake yawning trying to be believable.
"Ah sorry but I needed to be alone for a bit. How things go after I left."
Naruto asked wondering what happened after he stormed out.
"We all called it a night and I took Landon to the bus station."
Hope said a little hesitant
Naruto asked senseing something is wrong.
"Well at the bus stop Landon kissed me. I was to shocked to do anything that I couldn't even push him off before he got on the bus."
Hope said feeling werid about the kiss. Naruto was pissed that Landon kissed hope but was glad that she didn't like it.
"Well next time I see him I'll kill him."
Naruto said lightly with hope thinking it's a joke Laughed it off. Before the could talk more Rick knocks on his door.
"Hey guys you fully dressed."
Rick says not wanting a repeat of last time.
"Yes we are."
Naruto said as hope looked a little embarrassed. Rick comes in and he looked a little tired.
"I told the rest of the gurdians to meet me in my office. I figured out who were up against and Naruto your Not going to like it."
Rick said confusing both hope and Naruto. Rick and hope left leaving Naruto to change his clothes from yesterday. He quickly changed before meeting the rest at Rick's office. As Naruto walked in rafel,Josie and Kaleb looked a little nervous at the sight of Naruto.
"Alright what do you got Rick"
Naruto said not bothered by the stares he got from the conceil members as he leaned against the wall.
" Dorian and I interrogated the moster apparently she's a druid. A few hundred years ago she was swallowed up by this pit called malavore. After she went in everyone she knew forgotten about her, like her entire existence was erased."
Rick said
" wow that's freaky"
MG said thinking what were all thinking.
"Hell yeah it is, a black pit that erases someone existence."
Kaleb said agreeing with MG.
"Yeah but that's not the worst of it."
Rick said looking at Naruto making him nervous.
"What can be worse then being erased from existence."
Lizze asked.
" when she got out of the pit she wasn't alone she said she saw a man he was pale and a snake like eyes. The presence he gave of scared her even more then malavor and she said he called himself orochimaru."
Rick said as Naruto was shocked into silence.
"What's so special about this orochimaru and why do you seem afraid of him."
Hope asked Rick seeing him nervous.
"Naruto you should tell her."
Rick said confusing hope and the others as they look at him.
Naruto said simply refusing to look at hope.
"I agreed to keep it a secret when It protected hope but now this involves her. She deserves to know the truth."
Rick said
"What truth? Naruto what is he talking about?"
Hope asked Naruto as he sighed
"Fine. Hope orochimaru is the reason I left, I went of looking for him."
Naruto said rubbing his eyes.
" OK but why couldn't you have told me that."
Hope asked confused to what the big deal was.
"The truth is he's from my dimension."
Naruto said shocking the others who didn't know he was from another dimension.
"Wait back up your from another dimension."
Rafel asked in disbelief.
" Yes and orochimaru is to but he is one of the most dangerous criminal in history of my world."
Naruto said scaring them.
"What did he do?"
Josie asked not knowing if she wanted to know.
"He killed a lot of people, betrayed my village, attacked my village killing our leader, experimentation on people even children. Those are some of the worst things he did."
Naruto said listing some of his crimes orochimaru has committed. The way Naruto talked about orochimaru made them think he was some kind of evil psychopath.
"OK I understand you having to stop him but what does that's have to do with me."
Hope asked still confused.
"Because i lied to you"
Naruto said sighing
"What do you mean you lied to me about what.?"
Hope asked worried of what Naruto is going to say.
"The hollow didn't kill your dad, orochimaru did. When I was about to finish the hollow off orochimaru trapped me and sucked the hollows power turning himself into a demon. After that he went and killed your dad and was about to kill Elijah but I was able to free myself and stop him."
Naruto said finally telling hope the truth. Naruto looked at hope and saw sadness,angry and betrayal.
"How could you keep this from me, who else knows about this."
Hope asked angry at Naruto.
"Your whole family and Rick besides that Nobody else."
Naruto said pissing her off even more.
"So my family knew how my father died except me. What did you not trust me!."
Hope says to Naruto who is trying to find the right words to say.
"Hope I trust you but I knew you were going to run off after this bastered and end up dead."
Naruto said
"Maybe I have a right to avenge my dad."
Hope said angrily
"Your not trying to avenge him you want revenge."
Naruto said
"What ever, all I want is the man who murdered my father dead."
Hope said storming out.
"Does any one else have any to say to me."
Naruto says wanting to get out of here and drink his worry away.
"Uh this migh be a bad time but tell us what happened to your best friend. All you told us last night is that you killed him and you don't regret it."
Kaleb asked making Rick's head snap up at Naruto. The others looked at Naruto with disbelief not thinking that Naruto could kill his best freind.
"Wait you killed your best friend?"
Rick asked wondering if he's a killer because the truth is he doesn't know alot about Naruto.
"Yes and why do look so surprised I have told you I've killed before."
Naruto said wondering if Rick thought he was bluffing.
"I knew you killed someone but this is different."
Rick said which Naruto couldn't say he was wrong.
"I guess your right."
Naruto said thinking about what to say when lizzie got impatient.
"Well what happened."
Lizzie asked impatiently
"In my village you become a solider when your young. Me, I was 12 as was the rest of my graduating class, I was put on a team with a useless fan girl,broody dick head and a cyclops with bleeding heart. Eventually we worked together well but then sauske left the village for more power. He left with orochimaru I tried to stop without killing him but only left myself half dead. Even after he left I trained to get stronger and save him one day. We fought again and again each time he would get away. Even after he completed his mission he still wanted more power so he attacked the kage, our worlds leaders. One of them lost an arm and he was made into world class criminal. There was a war but that's to complicated to explain right now but sauske helped us in it. All my friends said he redeemed himself but after the war he was going to kill the kage and take over the world. So we fought, we fought for entire day destroying everything that surrounded us from mountains to the very earth below us. We were both out of energy and sauske was going to make one final attack as I realized he couldn't be saved. I put my claws in his chest and ripped out his heart"
Naruto said flexing his claws out freaking the students out a little bit.
Was all mg said with the others sharing his thoughts. It was a lot to take in for them, rafel now understood why he did it. Rafel also wondered if would be able to do that to Landon if he ever went dark. Kaleb amd MG look at each other wondering if they could do that to each other. Lizze and Josie refused to look at each other as they think the same thing as the others. Would you be able to kill your bestfriend to save the world?
"Look I'm sure you want time to think about malavor, orochimaru and the bomb I just set off. Go to your rooms or whatever and process the information."
Naruto said walking to the door and as he opened it he saw hope turning the corner.
"She must of listened in."
Naruto said and left but came right back in to take the bottle of bourben.
"You shouldn't drink its bad for you."
Naruto said to Rick which made all of them deadpan as they see him take a quick swig and leave with it. Hope ran to her room after listening to what Naruto said about sauske. She lied on her bed thinking about Naruto and what he kept from her. Then she remembered her family kept it from her aswell. She pulled out her phone and called her mom.
"HI honey how's it going"
Haley said from the other side of the phone.
"I don't know why didn't you tell me how dad really died."
Hope said somewhat aggressive.
"So Naruto told you."
Haley asked stateing the obvious.
"Yes but he shouldn't have to tell me, you or uncle Elijah should have said something."
Hope said getting out her bed to pace.
"We didn't want you going after this guy, we could barely deal with the hollow. Now this guy has its power and became even more powerful then he already is. Naruto told me some of things orochimaru was capable of and it scares me Hope. I think what if you fought this guy, it terrifies me."
Haley said and not that hope would know but Haley had tears in her eyes.
"I know you worry and I understand why you didn't tell me."
Hope says not finshing
" but"
Haley asked knowing she wasn't done.
"But it doesn't mean I'm not mad at you or Naruto for not telling me. I deserved the right to know how my father died."
Hope said a little less mad then before.
"I know you do but niklaus is gone and nothing going to bring him back."
Haley said sad at the loss of her friend.
"I know that."
Hope said sadly at the memory of her father.
"I think you should go talk to Naruto."
Haley said wanting the two to make up.
"Yeah your right i should go talk to him. I'll talk to you later mom, love you."
Hope said ending the call with her mom. Hope sighs as she walks out of her room and goes to Narutos. She knocks on his door but it opened when touched it. Going inside Naruto is on the floor a few bottles of saki and bourben lay next to him.
Hope asked seeing and smelling the alcohol.
"Hey hope how's it going."
Naruto said trying to cover up the bottles on the floor.
"Naruto how much did you drink?"
Hope asked asked picking up an empty bottle.
"Drink what? Your crazy I didn't drink squat."
Naruto said pushing a bottle behind him.
"look I don't care but we need to talk."
Hope said as Naruto got up and sat down on his bed.
"Alright then, say what you got to say"
Naruto said preparing to get yelled at.
"I was so angry at you, I'm still am but I understand why you didn't tell me."
Hope said making Naruto head pop up looking at hope.
"What you forgive me? Why I don't deserve it?"
Naruto asked as hope gave a little laugh before sitting down next to him.
"That's where your wrong, you are worth it. Naruto I don't think realize how much you mean to me. Since the moment we met you have always understood me better then anyone else, made me feel like I matter."
Hope said touching Naruto cheek. Naruto looked at hope not knowing how to respond takes a chance. He leans forward and kissed hope who was shocked at his actions.
"Sorry but I couldn't help it."
Naruto said leaning back from the kiss. Hope eyes were wide from the kiss before jumping on Naruto pushing him on the bed. She kisses him and they start making out, after a few minutes they stop looking at each other there breath ragged.
"So is this a thing now."
Naruto said wanting to be with hope.
"Yeah I want to be your girlfriend."
Hope said smiling at how the are finally dating. Naruto smiles as he brings hope into his chest enjoying her warmth. They stayed that way for awhile till Rick called Naruto.
"Naruto I need some help, we got a new monster."
Rick said making Naruto sit up freaking hope out.
"Alright we'll meet you in your office."
Naruto said as rick hung up the call.
"We got a new monster."
Naruto said pecking hope on the lips as she sighs getting up and leaving with Naruto.
"This better be good."
Hope says pouting because she was enjoying her Naruto cuddle time. Naruto laughed as they get to his office. Inside there was Rick holding a crossbow at a women who is in a bloody wedding dress.
"Ah Dr Saltzman where's the monster."
Hope asked confused.
"She is."
Rick said indicating to the women.
"That's a little hurtful rick."
The women said.
"Wait you know each other"
Naruto asked confused on who this women is.
" Yes, this is the love of my life and the mother of my children.
Rick said shocking them, wasn't she supposed to be dead.
"HI call me jo"
Jo said awkwardly waving at them.
"So we got a monster that brings people back from the dead, great."
Naruto said thinking about all the dead people in his life.
"It could be worse."
Hope said trying to find the positive. Naruto have her a look that said, what could be worse then this mind fuck.
"I was in this blackness and sort of got yanked out of there and in the front gate of the school."
Jo said explaining what happened.
"That's it I'm ending it before she attacks."
Rick said surprising Naruto, wouldn't he want to talk to his dead wife.
"Woah slow your roll, at least interrogate her."
Naruto said getting infront of Rick who was ready to pull the trigger on his dead fiance.
Rick said pulling back his crossbow making them all sigh in relief.
"Good now we can figure out what's going on."
Naruto said as two people come threw the door. One was a pretty red haired women with purple eyes. There was also a man with blonde hair and blue eyes looking like an older Naruto. These were Naruto parents Minato and kushina.
"Yeah that would be helpful."
Minato asked confused but then saw his son.
Kushina says tears forming in her eyes.
"Naruto who are these people."
Rick asked seeing as they new him and the look of shock on his face.
"These are my parents minato and kushina."
Naruto said surprising them all as his parents take a step closer. Naruto takes a step back making them flinch.
Not knowing what to think Naruto kept himself at a distance.

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