saving the gremlin

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Naruto was in Rick's office where he and him go over there next plan.
"Now that we lost the dagger we got to think about what malavored endgame."
Rick said to Naruto.
"Yeah but honestly that's going to be hard we barely know anything about it or what orochimaru is planning."
Naruto said sighing in his chair.
"Your right maybe we should focus on defense for now."
Rick said drinking a glass of bourben he had.
"You mean training them for a possible upcoming battle. I probably should train them I meant to do it early but things kept getting in the way."
Naruto said getting up to get the team together.
"Got any plans on what your training them in?"
Rick asked a little worried what Naruto had instore for his daughters.
"Yeah before i begin training them I'm going to test them, back home we called it the bell test."
Naruto said rembering the test he did as a child. Rick was confused but shook it off and let Naruto go. Naruto made shadow clones to get his students to the clearing in the forest. He decided to bring Penelope as well finding the witch to have some potential. Going to his room and grabbing the bells he swiped from kakashi from before the war. He goes to the training field and saw everyone there. Naruto hid in a tree deciding to pull a kakashi. An hour later and there starting to get mad. Each had problems with each other one way or another especially lizzie and hope. Lizze has a lot of anger towards Hope which he didn't know what was about but they needed to put that aside if they wanted to pass.
"Hey guys been here long."
Naruto said walking up to them.
"Yes we been here long, where were you?"
Lizze yelled at Naruto as the others wanted to know aswell.
" sorry I got lost on the road of life."
Naruto said casually making them all facefault even hope who was used to his antics.
"Look are we training or not and why is she here."
Kaleb asked pointing to Penelope.
" Yeah I want to know to I thought I wasn't chosen for your little club"
Penelope asked as josie glanced at her. Josie may not admit it but she still loves her.
"She has potential like every one here and we're not training."
Naruto said confusing them.
" What do you mean?"
MG asked scratching his arm still feeling the affects of the hunger he got from human blood.
"With these new threats and the lose of the knife we may have to go on offense. I don't want any weak leaks on the team if we do go into battle so were doing a test. All you have to do is get these bells from me in the next two hours."
Naruto said pulling out two bells and tied it to his side.
"What, but there's only two bells."
Josie said
"Yep only two of you can join."
Naruto said as they begin to complain it wasn't fair except hope who wonders what the trick is. Naruto told her about the bell test but nothing specific about what the test really is about.
"And your time starts now"
Naruto says interrupting them as they hid in the bush's except rafel.
"Not going to hide."
Naruto questioned
"No use your going to find us any way, I'm charging head on"
Rafel says says running straight at Naruto a punch aimed at his face. Naruto sighed as he dodged him not really trying which pissed him off. Rafel throws a punch over extending making Naruto Sigh and decide to punish him for it. He disappeared and reappeared in a burst of speed crouching behind rafel. Rafel sees him behind him but unable to react fast enough.
" thousand years of death."
Naruto said adding some chakra to his fingers and poking him in the ass as he Flys off and into the lake. The others see this and wince at the attack as Naruto laugh always wanting to try that. MG and Kaleb come out next using vampire speed to try and punch Naruto from his side. Naruto catches there fist and spin throwing them the way they came at him.
" were getting those bells."
Kaleb said with MG nodding as the try again but this time mg tackles Naruto. Not moving at all mg decided to holds Naruto arms trying to keep him still which Naruto allows wanting to see there strategy. Kaleb saw the chance to hit Naruto and aimed a punch at his face. Naruto headbutt Kaleb fist breaking his hand and brings his tails out to grab mg and Kaleb.
" nice try"
Naruto said throwing them away into a tree where they get knocked out.
" come on we got four people left and only two slots any takers."
Naruto yelled out seeing that nobody was doing anything. Josie and lizzie come out with lizze looking confident.
" so it's the twins, let's see what you got."
Naruto said interested having not seen them fight. The only time he new they ever fought was with that spider. They join hands sphoineing magic from there bracelets to launch a fireball at him. Naruto smacks yhe fireball away with his arm before speexing toward them. He was about to knock them out but jumps sensing an attack. A small fireball passes were he used to be and he sees Penelope launching multiple small fireballs at him. Naruto dodges each one as he speeds behind Penelope and chopped her neck, knocking the witch out.
Josie yelled in worry confusing lizzie but didn't get much time to think about it as Naruto goes behind them does the same thing, knocking them out. Hope seeing as she was the last one left drops down from her hiding spot behind a tree and does a kick to his head. Naruto blocks and throws her away but recovered fast when she hit the ground. Naruto wanting to mess with her reaches to his pocket making her tense. But all he pulled out his icha icha book making her face fault.
"What are you doing?"
Hope asked still on edge.
"Im reading."
Naruto said simply not looking at her as he turns the page.
"Why? were fighting?"
Hope asked a little mad she was being underestimated.
"To find out what happens next"
Naruto said even though he read all of his masters books. Hope gets mad and charges in recklessly. She trys to hit him but he dodges not even looking her.
"Fight back"
Hope said gritting her teeth after trying and failing to hit him. Naruto looks at the clock and sees he has ten minutes left so he decides to end it.
"OK sure."
Naruto says as he puts his book away and rafel shows up getting back from the lake wet. He jumps at Naruto wanting to hit him but Naruto just kicked him in the chest hitting him far away again.
"Sorry let's continue."
Naruto said speeding right infront of hope supriseing Her. He punches her in the stomach making her fall down.
"Hope you did good but your not strong enough to beat me."
Naruto said looking down on her.
"I won't give up"
Hope says struggling to get up.
"It's over
Naruto said
"No it isnt"
Hope said getting up completely
" Yeah it is."
Naruto said as the timer went off. Hope was disappointed that she failed but Naruto patted her head.
"It's alright, let's get the others and I'll explain."
Naruto said confusing her. He sends shadow clones to grab the others getting all of them to were they started. They were all awake and sore as hell.
"Nice job guys"
Naruto said trying to be nice.
" nice job, is that all you have to say, you almost killed us."
Penelope said angry.
"No I wasn't."
Naruto said
"You broke my neck"
MG said
"You shattered my hand."
Kaleb said showing the bone in his arm poking out.
"You threw me in the middle of a lake."
Rafel said still a little wet.
"And yet I was barely trying."
Naruto said shocking them except hope.
Lizze said voicing all there thoughts.
" at most I went twenty percent and that was at the end when I curb stomped hope and rafel."
Naruto said furthering there disbelief
"No way, there's no way your that strong."
Kaleb said not believing naruto.
"Buts it's true the enemy were facing is orochimaru who ten times more deadly and more experienced then myself. If you go up against him he will kill you unless your of value to him because that's all that matters to him. Now that he's a demon I'm not even sure I could beat him myself."
Naruto said making hope worried.
"Then how do you plan to beat him."
Hope asked
"By doing what I always do when there's a wall infront of me, power through and never give up till my last breath. That's all I can do and if you become apart of this team I expect you to do the same."
Naruto said looking at there reactions, They were nervous but determined.
"Wait but we didn't get the bells"
Josie asked
"It was never about the bells. Can anyone guess what this test is really about."
Naruto asked them wanting to know if they figure out the most important part of a team is.
Hope said sighing to herself, Naruto told her about the test and she completely forgot the point of it.
"Ding ding ding we have a winner. This was always about how well you the seven of you can work together."
Naruto said waking away.
"Think about will continue the real training later."
Naruto said disappearing from there view. Naruto walks to Rick's office to tell him how they do when he saw him packing some stuff.
"Where are you going"
Naruto said right behind him scaring him and making Rick jump
" What the hell don't scare me."
Rick said startled.
"People keep forgetting I'm a ninja, sneaking up on people is part of the business. Now where are you going in such a hurry."
Naruto said asking his question again.
"Before Landon left I gave him a magic bracelet that tells me if hes in trouble."
Rick said holding up the bracelet but it was glowing blue.
" good it seems they took the bait"
Naruto said surprising Rick
" Wait you voted him out to use him as bait."
Rick asked
" yep"
Naruto said with no shame
" your a dick sometimes you know that"
Rick said as Naruto shrugged his shoulders not disagreeing with him.
"Im coming to"
Naruto stated not giving him a choice.
"Fine but no one else."
Rick says knowing he couldn't stop him. Naruto nodded and as they were opened the door Hope falls down, she quickly gets up like nothing happened.
"Hey hey guys what you do in."
Hope says awkwardly.
"It seems we got one more."
Naruto said smirking at Rick's irritated face. They get some things and start driving to where the bracelet led them. It ended up being a setup so hope used the bracelet Landon was wearing to track him. That night they found him in a crappy motel in a room. Rick picked the lock and went inside, hope and Naruto was right outside keeping watch when Naruto heard a gun loaded. Barging in he sees a women holding a gun to Rick's head. Hope uses magic to snatch the gun from her hand as Naruto grabs her throat and holds her to the wall.
"Who are you"
Naruto asked flashing his demon eyes supriseing the women. Hope holds the women's gun to her head aswell.
"Answer or I'll blow your head off."
Hope said as rick lowers the gun she was holding.
"You must be hope"
The women says as Landon comes out of the bathroom.
"Let go of my mom"
Landon said as he rushs at Naruto trying to punch him but his hand was caught by Naruto. Naruto realized the women wasnt a threat but still flipped Landon on his back making him groan.
"So what's going on here."
Naruto said
"Did you have to flip me."
Landon says getting up holding his back.
"You tried to punch me, call it even."
Naruto said they sat down and caught up on current events. They found out the women is Landon mother and her name was seylah.
"So your the head master of a private school for supernatural and you two are the teachers pet."
Seylah said making Naruto growl not like being called a pet.
"Actually, there kind of a pain in my ass."
Rick said
"Little judgy for an absentee mother."
Hope said with snark
" you were wrong, I like her."
Seylah said to Landon. Naruto got the feeling he told her they were a thing, which irritated him.
"Look we don't know anything about you so why don't you start filling in the blanks before I get hungry."
Naruto threatened but she didn't flinch.
" when I finished my service in the army I joined an organization in the states. Soon I learned that monsters like you two exist in this world and it was my job to make sure the world didn'tfind out about it."
Seylah said motioning to Naruto and hope
"Where not mosters."
Hope said defensive.
"You are to me"
Seylah said
"Where are your headquarters."
Rick asked wanting to know where this organization is.
"Sorry but I don't feel like having any more blood on my hands. A few years in I saw somthing I shouldn't and soon I became the hunted."
Seylah said
"What you see?"
Rick asked
" I saw a black pit almost tar like."
Naruto guessed which by the suprise look she had he was right.
"How do you know about malivore."
Seylah asked
"What's malivore?"
Landon asked.
"It's a hell dimension that consumes creatures and wipes their existence from the collective conscience. Sounds about right."
Hope supplied.
"More or less."
Seylah said
"The last moster screwed us over and took a magic knife that Landon kept stealing and brought it to wherever malivore is. But he also said the knife was one of three keys from what im assuming is his freddom."
Naruto said
"Look you all need to leave and go home."
Seylah said standing up.
"Wait wait wait you have to tell us more."
Landon asked
"I don't know who your father is, it was high stress job and i had a lot of one night stands."
Seylah said but Naruto could tell she was lying. She left and Rick followed her, Landon looked devastated so hope and Naruto left leaving him to think. They say outside looking at the stars.
"I can't belive he has such a crappy mother."
Hope said thinking about seylah.
" maybe?"
Naruto said mysteriously
"What so you mean."
Hope asked.
"She was lying when she said she didn't know who Landon father is. I could also tell she wasn't telling us everything. Whatever it is, malivore and Landon are connected in some way.
Naruto said suprising hope with his theory. Before she could comment a crash was heard inside the room so they go running in. Inside there was a Fishman in the bathroom and Rick amd Landon by the door. Hope uses magi to lock the monster inside.
"Why the hell is that thing here."
Naruto asked as Landon had a look of realization, he goes to his bag pulls out a ern.
"Damit landon"
Rick said figuring it to be the second key.
"Sorry it just happened like last time." Landon says as hope gets an idea.
"Leave it here"
Hope said
"What why?"
Rick asked
" because the creature will take us to malivore, hope you genus."
Naruto said catching on to what she was saying. Rick was about to protest but the creature smashed through the door. Naruto grabbed the ern and threw it at Fishman. They all then ran to the car to follow, the monster started running very fast down the road.
" how is this thing so fast."
Rick asked barley able to stay on its trail.
"Well speed up."
Hope said
"Hey this was your idea so it is within my bounds as headmaster to tell you to shut it."
Rick said they follow the Fishman to a compound. Getting out they see a sign with malivore symbols and a name, triad. Hope saw a gate broken meaning the Fishman got through. Going through they see the Fishman and like an idiot Landon runs straight at it. Hope calls out to him but he wasn't listening.
"I have to get in there"
Landon said as a explosive device pops up infront of the Fishman. They all get knocked back but Naruto grabbed hope protecting her from falling but she was still unconscious. Naruto was the only one awake as two vans starting coming from the building. Not having a choice he creates three shadow clones and put hope,Landon and Rick in the car. Naruto was about to join them but sees the ern on the ground.
"Screw it"
Naruto said grabbing the ern and running to the car. It was the first time Naruto ever drove so he just put it in reverse and floored it hoping for the best. He went backwards about half a mile till he hit a deer. He put it in the back, no need to waste food he thought. He drove forward after that till day time when the others woke.
"What happened"
Rick asked waking up and not remembering what happened.
"We were following the Fishman and seylah to the triad but the monster blew himself up."
Naruto said but only hope looked like she remembered.
"Who's seylah?"
Landon asked as Naruto realized she must of been put in malivore
"No one don't worry about it, let's just get back to the school."
Naruto said deciding not to tell Landon he met his mom and she was terrible. Hope gives him a look but Naruto shakes his head.
"Why is there a deer in the back."
Rick asked looking back and seeing the deer.
"I may have hit it while I was driving."
Naruto said making hope laugh as they continue driving to the school.
" OK Landon, you can stay at the school."
Rick said giving Landon a small smile which was returned.
"Why the change of heart?"
Landon asked confused but greatful.
"Call it a gut feeling"
Rick said looking out the window. Landon smiled at hope as she gives a small one back not knowing what to think.

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