moving on

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Naruto was still asleep in his bed healing from the venom orochimaru gave him. Rick came in to check on him and sighed thinking he would be healed by now. It's been 3 weeks since Naruto fight with the snake and 3 weeks since Josie returned to tomorrow.
"Naruto I don't know if you can here me but I need your help. Things are tense between the students and I don't know how to fix it. We tried a field day which got ruined by a monster. Just, wake up soon kid."
Rick said sighing as he started walking to the door.
"Dang, didn't think I be that missed."
Naruto said as Rick's head whipped around. Naruto was siting up grunting a little but still had that smirk on his face.
"Naruto! Your awake."
Rick said going over to him and pulling him into a hug. Naruto was suprised by the affection but recovered and returned the hug.
"Geez what's with you?"
Naruto asked as rick looked stressed.
"Sorry it's just, things are really quiet around school. Josies become an outcast, the necromancer has josies dark magic and hope won't wake up for some reason."
Rick said as Naruto eyes widen at the part about hope.
"What! Where is she!?"
Naruto asked getting up.
"She's in her room. Naruto there's nothing you can do for her so get some rest."
Rick said as Naruto shook his head.
" I already lost fenrir, I will not lose hope to so get out of my way."
Naruto said demanding Rick to get out of his way. Rick was about to protest but Naruto demon eyes came out and he let Naruto past. Naruto ran in the halls not caring about the looks he got from people. First thing Naruto saw in the spare room was hope looking peaceful asleep.
" Hope."
Naruto said softly sitting next to her bed caresressing her cheek.
"Please wake up hope, I need you."
Naruto said kissing her. He pulls back and looks down sadly.
Hope said waking up drowsy and rubbing her eye. Naruto smiled and full on kissed her. Hope was suprised at first before melting into it. They continue kissing till they here a cough behind them.
"You guys done because we can come back later."
Lizzie said as she,Kaleb, Landon, Rafael and rick enter the room happy hopes awake..
" that would actually be great."
Naruto said getting a punch in the arm from hope.
"It's good to see you guy are up."
Rafeal said as they all take turns giving hugs and bro hugs if your Naruto.
"Yeah well nothing can keep me down for long."
Naruto said as hope looked around.
"Wait where's fenrir?"
Hope asked as everyone got quite. Naruto looked down closing his eyes.
"Guys where's fenrir?"
Hope asked again worried about her furry friend.
"When I was fighting orochimaru fenrir saved my life. But fenrir got bit by his venom, I was able to seal fenrir away so he's not dead."
Naruto said as hope had tears form in here eyes.
Hope asked sensing there was more.
"If I unseal fenrir its likely he'll only be alive for a few minutes till the venom kill hims."
Naruto said as he brought hope into his chest. Sometimes people forget hopes just a 17 year old girl who puts to much on her shoulders.
"Im sorry, I'm so sorry. I should have been there. Maybe I could have helped."
Hope said comforting Naruto.
"Hope there's nothing you could have done. I saw what that monster was cable of and it scared the living crap out of me."
Kaleb said shivering at the memory of orochimaru.
"Maybe she couldn't but I could. I have been slacking on my training and orochimaru had the upper hand because of it."
Naruto said disappointed with himself.
"Naruto I heard what happened, you protected the whole school. You did good."
Rick said patting Narutos back. Naruto gives him a nod. Then all of the sudden Rafeal falls down coughing out black blood.
"Raf hey Raf stay with me!"
Landon yelled as he and Kaleb catch him.
"Bring him the nurses office!"
Rick yelled as they carry him away.
"What the hell was that?"
Lizzie asked confused as to what was happening to Rafeal.
"The necromancer, we made a deal to bring him back. Apparently he's not going to keep his word."
Rick said storming out of the room to go talk to the necromancer.
"Get some rest I'll go check Rafeal."
Naruto said getting up but hope grabbed his hand.
"Wait I can help to."
Hope said but Naruto shook his head.
"Nope your resting for at least two more hours. Lizzie keep and eye on her."
Naruto said kissing hopes head and going to the door.
"Love you."
Naruto yelled before leaving.
"You have him wrapped around your finger."
Lizzie said smirking at hope smirked as well.
"oh yeah."
Hope said as they giggle like teenage girls. Naruto goes into the nurses office to see Landon and rafeal leaving.
"Hey where do you two think your going."
Naruto asked crossing his arms as they get nervous.
"We were just Ah going to Ah get something to eat."
Landon said as Naruto snorted.
"Try again."
Naruto said as they sigh.
"Im going to vist my dad and there's nothing you can do to stop me."
Rafael said getting in Narutos face and trying to be intimidating.
"One back up you smell like a corpse And two who said I would stop you."
Naruto said making rafael back up confused.
" your not?"
Landon asked just as confused as rafael.
"No you can make your own decisions even if I think your a dumbass. Just take my kuni somthing happens."
Naruto said handing rafael his thunder god kuni.
"Thanks Naruto."
Rafeal said pulling Naruto into a hug.
"Okay were hugging. This is nice we should do this more often."
Naruto said Sarcastically as rafeal let go embarrassed.
"Sorry. Let's go landon."
Rafeal said as the to boys left the school in a car Naruto had no idea where they got from. Naruto goes into the nurses office to see if there's any results. After a talk with the witch's Naruto learned absolutely nothing. Sighing Naruto steps out and see Rick returning from his little chat with the necromancer.
"Hey Rick what did scarface say."
Naruto asked as rick sighed.
"Nothing good. The only reason rafeal came back was because he was tied to the necromancer."
Rick said as Naruto caught on.
"And nows he's not meaning no more life for rafeal. shit"
Naruto said running his hand through his hair.
"Yeah get the everyone looking through spell books to see if there's a solution I'm going to track someone down."
Rick said as they walk to his office.
Naruto asked curiously
"Rafeals mom. If this is his last day he should know his mom."
Rick said as Naruto nodded.
"Alright I'm coming with."
Naruto said
"Good I still have one of your Kunis meet me in an hour."
Rick said going into his office. Naruto made five clones and told them to spread the news.
"Go and tell everyone what's happening and get them to look at anything we may have."
Naruto said to his clones before going to where hope was staying at and hopefully resting. Her, lizzie and Josie were talking on the bed laughing like old friends.
"Hey josie how's it going."
Naruto asked haven't not seen her yet since waking up. Naruto walks over to hope and kissed her head as josie sighed.
"Well, Landon and i broke up."
Josie said sadly.
"What! You two broke up why?"
Naruto asked sitting behind hope putting his arms around her as she leaned back.
" it was my choice, after everything that's happened to me. Useing dark magic, hurting the school, I felt that I needed a break from everything. He understood but I knew he didn't like it."
Josie said haveing lizzie rub her back.
"Im sorry, I really am."
Naruto said with sympathy for his friend.
"Maybe one day you'll both be ready to be together again."
Hope said as Josie put on a smile.
"I hope we do but for now I have to make some changes. I put away my magic for now but still nothing feels normal so I'm considering switching schools."
Josie said dropping a bomb on them.
"What! You can't leave!"
Lizzie yelled at Josie getting up. Hope and Naruto were shocked at her decision but kept quiet.
" Lizzie I know it's difficult to understand but this is somthing I need."
Josie told lizzie trying to make her understand.
"But, but dammit fine, but this conversation isn't over."
Lizzie said giving up for the moment. Jose sighed knowing this would be hard for both of them.
" Ah this might be a bad time but rafeals dieing because the connection to the necromancer is gone. Rick said go to the library and see if there somthing we could do."
Naruto said as hope gets up from her bed and all there stare at him.
" and you didn't think to mention this first."
Hope asked giving him a disappointed and frustrated look as the genimi twins do the same. See the three scary girls infront of him glare made Naruto a little nervous.
"Ah wait is that Rick? Oh sorry Rick's calling me see ya."
Naruto said teloporting to Rick's kuni to get out of the death glares. Naruto appeared next to Rick as he was talking to sherif Kate.
"Ah what was that."
Kate yelled suprised by Naruto appearing.
"Teloportation, doesn't she know about me?"
Naruto asked Rick
"Yeah but she's still knew to this and besides you still suprise me. You do realize your werid even by supernatural standards."
Rick said making Naruto shrug.
"Whatever. Is she helping or not?"
Naruto asked looking at Kate.
"She's helping."
Rick said
"Not like I have a choice."
Kate said making Naruto raise an eyebrow.
"She's compelled?"
Naruto said looking at Rick with disappointment.
"When we compelled her to forget I may have put in that she has to help us when it life or death."
Rick said
"Nice real classy Rick. What did you need from her."
Naruto said crossing his arms.
"I need her police contacts to help find rafeals mom."
Rick said as Naruto scoffed.
"Really? you don't think I could have find her on my own."
Naruto said pulling out his phone.
"And how you going to do that?"
Kate asked
"I got people who owe me favors across the country. A Cresent wolf running around will catch some attention."
Naruto said calling someone.
"Hey Pete it's Naruto. Do you have any info about a Cresent werewolf, a women between 30's and 40's somewhere in the states."
Naruto said into the phone as a vocie talks to him.
"Thanks buddy say hi to the wife."
Naruto said hanging up to the phone.
" you have a spy network? Since when."
Rick asked suprised not knowing he had contacts of his own.
" made some friends on my trip awhile back. Some owe me a favor or two. I know where she is so stop wasting time before someone kicks the bucket."
Naruto said putting his phone away.
"Good let's go."
Rick said getting into his car. Naruto gets in aswell and supriseingly Kate does aswell.
"You coming to?"
Rick asked seeing Kate get into the back seat.
"Incase you need my help."
Kate said as rick and Naruto share a look.
"Whatever floats your boat let's get on the road."
Naruto said as rick started driving. Naruto put in the GPS for a bar 3 hours away. The awkward silence was killing Naruto so he started meditating to pass time.
"We're here."
Rick said poking Naruto in the arm.
"Finally, you drive slow old man."
Naruto said
"Hey I drive just fine."
Rick said as they get out of the car and entered the bar.
"You sure this is the place."
Kate asked as they see a women who looks simaler to rafeal beat a grown man in arm wrestling.
"I think we're in the right place."
Rick said as they go up to her.
" any one next."
The women said as Naruto sat across from her.
"How about me."
Naruto said as they get into position.
" your sure your up to it junior."
The women asked as they clasp hands.
"I'll manage."
Naruto said as she put pressure on his arm. She kept trying to pin his arm but Naruto was to strong.
"Who are you."
The women asked struggling
"Im a friend of your son Rafeal, Lucia."
Naruto said as her eyes widen. She took her hand away and backed up her eyes glowing yellow.
"Leave and don't come back."
Lucia said walking to the bar.
"Look I don't know you and but I do know your son. Your son who is dieing and needs his mother."
Rick said trying to convince her to see rafel before he dies. Lucia was shocked first and looked sad but shook her head.
"No what he needs is to be surrounded by the people he loves. I left him because i couldn't be that for him."
Lucia said sadly pouring herself a drink. Naruto looked angry at the women. He grabbed her and was about to teleport her away to the school. Refeal deserved to meet his mother at least once.
"Naruto don't."
Rick said knowing what Naruto was about to do.
"Why? If this is rafeals last day he should meet his mother. Even if it's this sad sack."
Naruto said speaking from experience. The necromancer was a dick but he gave the closer with his parents he needed.
"Yeah your right but there to many people here."
Rick said as Kate who Naruto forgot was here handcuffed Lucia to the bar.
"Hey what the hell."
Lucia said pulling on the cuffs.
"Sorry but your son's dieing and your going to listen what we have to say. After I'll let you go."
Kate said useing her cop vocie. Lucia was about to protest but her inner wolf was telling her to not make Naruto mad.
Lucia said as they all sit down at the table.
"Lucia, I won't tell you the gory details but rafeal has only a day left to live. If this is his last day on earth he deserves some closer."
Rick said but Lucia shook her head again.
"By the looks of it he already has the people that care about him, he doesn't need me."
Lucia said
"That's where your wrong. Trust me when I say that the only way rafael find peace is if you give it to him. Rafael already found his dad and I don't think I have ever seen him so relvied. It was like a weight was off his chest."
Naruto said as Lucia was suprised rafael met her husband.
"He met Walt."
Lucia asked suprised.
"Yes he has and you can to."
Rick said as Lucia started thinking.
"He's better off without me."
Lucia said making Naruto Sigh and rick look at her with a expressionless face. Kate undid the handcuffs and Lucia got up.
"Your free to go if thats what you want."
Kate said as the werewolf left the bar.
"What are you doing?"
Rick asked as he and Naruto raised an eyebrow at her.
" She'll come back, trust me."
Kate Said as Naruto got up.
"Sorry but waiting was never my strong suit. I'll see you back at school."
Naruto said as rick have him a nod. Naruto walked out of the bar and immediately teloported to the school once he was in the clear. Appearing inside his room Naruto grabs fenrir scroll that was keeping him alive. If worst comes to worse Naruto will seal rafael with fenrir, at least they'll be together. Naruto walks around the school trying to find anyone but couldn't. Useing his sensing abilty he found almost all the older students in the woods except for a few. Rafael and Landon were in there room so Naruto decided to pay a vist.
"Hey guys any luck."
Naruto asked after knocking on there open door.
"No, I'm still going to die."
Rafael said as he and Landon looked down sadly.
"Wow what's with all this depressing crap. You've know me this long and still you doubt my abilities."
Naruto said scoffing at there reactions.
"Wait you have a way to save him?"
Landon asked
"Yes and no. I can seal you away in the scroll I used on fenrir. You won't die but you'll be repeating the same day over and over again. At least you and fenrir will be together."
Naruto said shrugging. Rafael thought long and hard.
"Thank you Naruto. Your always looking out for everyone."
Rafael said giving Naruto a bro hug which Naruto returned.
"Yeah well I have to look after my students or else Rick will be on my ass."
Naruto said smirking as they laugh at his joke. Jed comes in and told them to come down stairs. Confused they all walk down and see everyone there. It was weepy but rafael said his good byes to everyone. Hope and the twins gave him a big hug. Mg and Kaleb gave rafael a bro hug smiling sadly. Rick was going to give rafael a handshake but got pulled into a big hug. By the door Naruto could see Lucia and Walt, rafaels parents.
"Rafael I like you to meet someone."
Walt said as Lucia looked at her baby boy who grew up without her.
"Your tall like your grandfather."
Lucia said as rafael realized who Lucia was.
Rafael said and gave her a big hug. She was suprisd but returned it all the same.
"Rafael it's time."
Naruto said sadly as rafael,Landon and rafaels parents stood together.
"Where coming to."
Walt said which made Naruto nod. Rafael smiled glad he had his parents with him.
"Im just coming to make sure everything turns out alright."
Landon shrugged as Naruto scoffed, like Landon could do anything he couldn't do.
"Whatever hold hands."
Naruto said unrolling his scroll. They held hands and Naruto winked at hope who looked a little nervous. Activating the scroll they were all sucked inside the scroll.
( Naruto personal prison world)
They appeared inside the Salvatore school but were alone.
"So I'm guessing it worked."
Lucia said as Naruto glared at her. Why did people keep thinking he didn't know what he was doing.
"Of course it did."
Naruto said frowning. He was hoping to see fenrir but couldn't see or fell his energy anywhere. They all left Naruto to his own devices going to say there goodbyes. Naruto sat at one of the tables drinking some bourben he found.
Fenrir said from behind the fox demon. Naruto eyes widened and turned around seeing fenrir alive and alright.
Naruto yelled as the two ran at each other fenrir jumping ontop of Naruto licking his face.
"Im so glad your ok. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."
Naruto said disappointed with himself.
"No you saved me. I'll be alright here and now I've got rafael to keep me company. This won't be forever, just until orochimaru is dead."
Fenrir said confusing Naruto.
"What do you mean?"
Naruto asked as they sit down on the couch.
"I can feel the venom in my body, it has that snakes energy all over it. If you kill orochimaru maybe it will go away aswell."
Fenrir said as Naruto gained a determined expression.
"Don't you worry buddy I'm going to find and kill him if it's the last thing I'll do."
Naruto said as Landon came back alone.
"Where's the other two?"
Naruto asked Landon.
" there not coming."
Landon said as Naruto smiled. Rafael will get to spend some quality time with his family.
"Alright let's head back then. I'll come back and vist fenrir."
Naruto said petting fenrir behind the ears as the wolf nodded. Naruto grabbed landons shoulder and they got teleported back into the real world.

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while I was visiting family. Also I was trying out new story ideas which will be posted tonight. Some I'm continuing and others I'll leave be unless you guys like them.

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