Chapter 3: (Short) Among the Changes

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The Eternal Magical Tree, Vol. 1

Story by Titus Kon (Pen Name)

Cover art NOT owned by Author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

"Elia! Where are you?" echoed my sister's call as we embarked on an adventure as stowaways. With two horses in tow, we ventured two or three days away from our villages. Alongside my boyfriend, his sister, and mine, we had orchestrated this escapade to explore beyond our borders. The village chiefs would condemn us if they discovered we weren't fulfilling our scouting promises. Our alibi was claiming to have gotten lost when a monster appeared, forcing us to flee in fear. Despite bruising my boyfriend's pride, he reluctantly agreed to the story.

"Halja! I'm here; come take a look at this area." After wandering around, we chose to venture deeper into the 'Devil's Death Valley,' a desolate place where nothing thrived and a toxic mist claimed all living things that lingered. "Elia... oh! Wow!"

Astonished by the abundance of mana-rich plants and animals, they had created a thriving ecosystem in that area. Strangely, even predatory and prey creatures coexisted peacefully. However, once they ventured out into the vast field, the natural order of hunting prevailed. Surprisingly, the predators showed fear towards a small tree nestled on the hillside, seemingly the epicenter. Even birds dared not perch upon it, indicating its divine presence. Nodding in unison, each of them found concealed spots to observe, laying low on the far side as their four bodies skillfully hid.

"That's undoubtedly a divine tree," Chass remarked, utilizing his skills to peer into the distance.

"We should go back and report this! It could be the perfect reason to avoid punishment from the chief," Halja suggested, displaying a keen sense of pragmatism.

"I agree," Noodia admitted, complying as he often did, lacking the backbone to express dissent.

"No. This is our spot. If we tell anyone, who knows what might happen!" I asserted to them, sensing their eagerness to share our treasure discovery. Seeing them nod in agreement, we collectively made our way back home.


As time elapsed, we transitioned into elders, witnessing our tribes succumb to factions and becoming subordinates to stronger factions. Our once-proud clan was gradually fading away, and I found myself as the sole bearer of the memory of our childhood treasure. Seeking solace, I approached my only living friend to reminisce about our past.

"Ah, yeah, Chass, do you remember those times?" I inquired, trying to evoke memories of our shared history.

"Oh, well, if it isn't my old problems. (Giggle)," I mused, casting a fond glance at Chass, reflecting on the evolution of his demeanor from a shy past to the present.

As I settled down, memories stirred, and a wistful smile played on my lips. "Do you remember... that divine tree?" The question hung in the air, laden with the weight of shared experiences. Chass pondered for a moment, his expression a canvas of recollections. In that poignant pause, a tight squeeze gripped my chest, a subtle reminder of the passage of time.

Suddenly, Chass rushed towards me, concern etched across his features. I felt a wave of weariness wash over me, and with a simple smile, I indicated that rest was inevitable. His presence offered comfort, a reassuring anchor in the face of an impending departure.

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I closed my eyes, surrendering to the embrace of sleep. Chass, with a gentle touch, watched over me. In that fleeting moment, a simple smile conveyed the unspoken acknowledgment that my time had come.

The memories of the divine tree lingered in the twilight of consciousness, a symbol of moments shared and cherished. As I traversed the realms between wakefulness and dreams, I embraced the inevitability with a heart grateful for the journey, the changes, and the unwavering companionship of those who had walked beside me.

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