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Writing this was difficult. I had started writing this in January and has taken me a lot of time to complete.

It was a hard topic I chose because I was appalled by what I witnessed in the aftermath of Krist's accident. What followed his accident made me angry and ashamed, that as humans we have stooped so low. To bring down a boy who just survived a deadly accident thankfully, was sick.

If you haven't been in an accident you have no right to comment on the severity of the accident. For a sports car to topple, it's unthinkable in the given circumstances. And for Krist to escape with just scrapes was a miracle.

So I decided to pen down a short story about it. This is not a gimmick! Many may say it's wrong to use an accident to write a story, but after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to write this. To show how an accident affects a person. How it affects the near and dear ones.

I had miraculously escaped a head-on collision and what followed was days of shock and aftermath when it came to driving. I am sure many who have experienced trauma knows what I mean. In case you are clueless, yes, it's a trauma. Surviving death and any major accident is a trauma.

I am not writing this to get reads. Though I do hope those who have an opinion about everything and are capable of only talking smack about Krist do read this and reflect on the words they used to bring this boy down.

Trigger warning!

This story will have mention of 'accident', 'death', 'loss of loved ones'. If you are sensitive and feel you can't handle it then please stay away and do not read it. I am not making any excuses for what I have written. I have written this with a lot of thought, and respecting Krist's privacy I made it a KongArt story. I have however used the events from the actual accident.

Ranting time! (unedited)

Feel free to skip this cause I am ranting here to vent my anger and frustrations about Krist, his accident, the Krist-Mike series, and the whole Peraya fiasco. What I have written is not pretty and many will not be able to digest what I have to say. I am expressing these things because I wanted to. It's my story and I wanted to put my thoughts out there.

1- Krist's accident

The haters had the gall, the audacity to say that he deserved it? Some even wished him death!

Is there anything I can say about this?

I feel ashamed to even call them humans. Without kindness and empathy, we are nothing!

2-Krist returning to BL

Daniel Craig had once said he would rather slit his wrist than do another Bond movie. He made this statement after filming Spectre.

I think the smart ones get the drift!

And if a big A-lister, veteran actor like Daniel Craig can go back on his words and go on to star in another bond movie, other actors also have the freedom of making a decision and then changing their minds, depending on their personal and professional growth requirements and the changing situations.

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