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Seeing the name flashing on the phone screen, Kongpob's face lit up. Arthit must be on his way back to the office. It was just a few hours, but he already missed having his husband around. Arthit had gone to inspect a local manufacturing unit, which they were planning on acquiring some 50 odd kilometers away from Bangkok. 

Kongpob was unhappy about letting him go alone, but they were too swamped with work to make their schedules match and take some time out. So finally, he had relented to Arthit's wish and let him go.

Smiling brightly, he spoke into the phone.

"Hello, my love! How far are you?"

What followed next made Kongpob's blood run cold. A sound between a gasp and sob reached his ears as Arthit whispered, "Kong!"

Stunned, Kongpob stood up hastily, toppling the chair, as he felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his gut. He knew instinctively that Arthit was in trouble, and all he could think about was reaching him.

"Oon! Oon! Talk to me!" he asked calmly, controlling his fear, not wanting to unnerve his husband.

"Kong! Accident!" Arthit sobbed softly into the phone, and Kongpob felt like the ground was cut from under his feet. He felt like he was falling apart.

"Oon! Are you hurt? Are you injured? Tell me where you are? I will send an ambulance immediately!"

"I am okay. Not hurt!"

"Oon! Don't lie to me. Tell me! Are you hurt!" Kongpob almost yelled into the speaker.

"I am okay! I am fine! I am not injured. I made it safely out of the car." Arthit sobbed again.

Relief swept through Kongpob's body, and he thanked every heavenly being in the sky for protecting his husband.

Hearing Arthit's sobs broke his heart, and he wanted to reach his husband now. But he had to be calm and composed because Arthit needed him now!

"Oon! Where are you? I will come there. Just stay put, and I will get to you. Talk to me, Oon! Please calm down and tell me where you are."

Kongpob could hear Arthit drag in deep breaths as if to compose himself, gulping in air, Arthit spoke a little strongly.

"I will share my location! I am close."

"I will be there as soon as possible, my love. Please, keep the phone on you. Hang in there! Please!" he pleaded.

"Kong! Please don't drive. Please get a driver," Arthit pleaded now, and not wanting to worry him, he agreed.

"I will be there soon. Wait for me!" with a heavy heart Kongpob disconnected the line and ran to his father's cabin.

"Por! I need you! I need your help!" Kongpob said, and Kerklai, being the rock he was, seeing Kongpob's face, understood his son needed him.

"What's wrong, Kong?"

"Oon's car met with an accident. He is safe. I need to reach him. I am taking your driver. Arthit does not want me to drive," Kerklai's heart skipped a beat hearing this but he steeled himself. His sons needed him.

"Is he okay? Is he hurt?" Kerklai asked stoically.

"He is! He is shaken but he said he is not hurt. Please send P'Dan to Arthit's location to handle the red tape. I will head there first."

Kerklai nodded, and Kongpob ran towards the exit to find his dad's car already waiting for him. Thanking his dad mentally for his forethought, he jumped into the car, urging the driver to rush.

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