Chapter 9

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Athena's POV
We were in the park, anas letting Melaina play, and meet other kids as I thought to myself, would I ever tell the others about having a daughter?, most important, would I ever tell Damion he has a daughter?
I was inspecting the area when I noticed that one of the cars that was at the airport was also parked next to the park entrance.
I got worried, and had a gut feeling that something wasn't right, so instead of taking any chances, I picked Melaina up and went back to the car.
My suspicion was proved right when I noticed the car started to follow us.
I started to panic because I didn't have a safe house in Italy yet.
The car started to accelerate and I was trying to loose him, but it was proving to be impossible, that person is a really good driver.
I realized I didn't have any other choice, to protect Melaina I had to taker home with me. I don't know how I'm going to explain it, but I'll figure it out later.
I parked in front of the mansion, picked Melaina up and warned the guard's at the gate saying that someone was following me. They understood and warned the other guard's. The house on high now. By now, I was already in the living room sitting in the couch when everyone came downstairs with guns in their hands, even Victoria.
"What happened?" Asked Valente, with a concerned look on his face.
"I was being followed, I was a little ahead, so I had enough time to warn the guard's of the situation" I answered
Their looks of concern quiqly became looks of curiosity when they noticed the bundle of joy in my arms looking at them with her innocence eyes.
"Who's that?"asked Alexandro.
"This is daughter" Everyone had a look of shock and looked like they had so many questions.
"I'll explain ever-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Luca ran in with a gun in his hand.
"I got you message are you guys o-" He stopped talking when he looked at Melaina. The look on his eyes was of love and familiarity.
"Who's that? Is she yours?" I could hear my heart in my ears, I didn't think this would be the day he would meet her, but I didn't want to lie to his face.
"This is Melaina, my daughter" I said.
"She looks so much like you dude" said Marco.
At those words Luca immediately understood what had happened.
Tears came to my eyes as Luca gets closer to take a better look at her.
"Is she mine?" He asks. That was a question I had dreaded he would ask.
Everyone gasped and Luca was finally in front of us. Melaina continued to look in his eyes, her beautiful innocent eyes, eyes that she shared with her father, those blue orbs could be recognised anywhere.
Luca let a tear fall as he went to pick her from my arms, and I let him.
"Papa" Melaina said with her cute bubbly voice. I gasped and too my hand to my mouth. Luca looked like he was dreaming, I had never seen him smile so much, but I was living it.
"Yeah baby, it's you papa" Luca let another tear fall as he hugged her to his chest.
The rest of the family were also crying, of happiness, for this family reunion moment.
"I'm sorry I never told you Luca, it just never seemed like the right time, and I didn't want to be a burden" I said, still crying.
"You would never be a burden" He said with so much emotion laced in his voice.
"Can we go have more privacy?" Luca asked .
"Sure, let's go to my room" I directed him in the direction. When we got there, he sat on the bed with Melaina still in his arms.
"I love her already" he said with so much love.
"How did it happen?"
"Well, a few weeks after our night, I started to notice some pregnancy symptoms, so I decided to take a test, imagine my surprise when it came back positive" I said with a chuckle. He continued to listen attentively.
"I didn't think I was ready to be a mom, I mean, I as fifteen for god's sake. I thought about having an abortion, but I didn't have the heart to do it so... I ran from my foster home, to keep the bay safe, and used my money from my jobs to live. I had a lot o f money so it wasn't a problem, but I wanted to be able to finish high school, so a few months after having Melaina I went back so school. I got a full time nanny to take care of her and got the best of both worlds. Then the Morettis came to adopt me. I didn't think I would last, but they seem like good people, I like them. Today Melaine got to Italy, she came with her nanny Rebecca, I went to pick her up, and before dropping her off at the house I bought for her, I wanted to spend some time with her, that's when I noticed a car was following us. In a hurry to keep her safe, I came here. I'm really sorry I never told you" I said, full of crying now.
He looked list in thought for a moment before he got up and hugged me with Melaina still in his arms.
"Your not mad at me?" I ask curious
"No, right now, all I feel is respect for you. Of course I'm sad that I missed her first year of life, but all we can do now is enjoy the moment"
I nodded with my head in the crooked of his neck, greatful that he wasn't mad.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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