Chapter 3

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Sqaishey's p.o.v

I was just about to watch my first ever minecraft video by stampylongnose when i heard my phone ring. I picked it up and it read ' stampy'! I answered it and heard "hi beth"

Sq. Hi stampy
St. Hi, would u like to come to mine and watch a movie, i'm bored
Sq. I'd love to! Where do you live?
St. 44 cake street. Come over now if u want.
Sq. Ha ha! Ok ill be there in a minute.Bye!
St. Bye!

Oh my god!!! He invited me to his house! What will i wear?

Time skip 10 mins.......................................

After changing my mind about 20 times i finally settled on my favourite duck t-shirt and some black leggings.
I wrote the address down and cycled over.

Stampy's p.o.v

I cant believe it!!! She's coming here!!! Then i remembered, squid, tom, lee, netty and amy were all supposed to be coming here in about 5 minutes! Oh well, i'm sure they will love beth. The doorbell rang and i got up to answer it. It was squid! "Hello squid is anyone else here yet?"
"Yes,tom is just getting outcof the car and i saw Netty about 5 mins ago, she was with amy they should be here any minute." Just then a car pulled up, closely followed by Beth on her bike. "Who's that?" Squid asked and i replied" its beth, i thought she might like to meet you all."
"Oooooo, stampys got a girlfriend!!!"
"No i dont i only met her yesterday!"
Just then amy, netty and tom all walked up to us. "Who's this?" Netty asked and i explained.


Hello!!! I hope you liked this chapter. I will be updating soon. In the next chapter lee will arrive and a little birdie told me they might play a game!
Thanks for reading, byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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