Chapter 2

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What kind of personamI?
Am I agood person? Or a bad person?

June 2016. Seoul, South Korea
Yoongi's POV

After meeting Serenity after all this time, she has grew up a lot and is very beautiful now. But I can tell she sees me as just a friend. She looked so pretty just in the rain though, her figure and health was just so beautiful. When she hugged me she felt so close to me and fit perfectly in my embrace and arms. She smelled of roses and dreams. I walked back to our apartment with Jimin after going to the studio together. He never asked me who the girl was he just kept quiet. Till we got inside the apartment, the apartment smell good from Jin cooking. Jimin took his shoes off first and went into the living room.

"Hey guys guess what I saw today with Yoongi Hyung" I heard Jimin start and all the guys went quiet to listen to Jiminie.

"하지마 하지마 하지마" (hajima! hajima! hajima!) [Don't, don't, don't] I quickly said rushing into the living room seeing everyone look at me.

"What is it" Joon asked Jimin ignoring my pleas for them to stop before starting this.

"Yoongi met a girl, in the street, that he already knew that he has never shared with us" Jimin said smirking looking at me as I fell onto the couch defeated. I smirked slightly though thinking about serenity. I heard the guys get all surprised and looked at me.

"Hey! why didn't we get to know" Tae said and I chuckled softly at their reactions. I didn't share because we were on a dating ban so why would I release my secrets to them.  I stayed quiet though not wanting to indulge them into my past relationship with Serenity.

"What is her name at least, can we know this. Nope I am using my Hyung card tell us Yoongi" Jin said making me look at him and I shook my head. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"She was a childhood friend, her grandmother and my grandmother were best friends from school years and when she came and visit my grandmother would have me come and stay so we could be friends. She spoke broken Korean most of the time because she is half American and grew up there. That is all the last time I saw her I was about 13 or 14 and she was 12 I believe. So that is all" I told them annoyed by them. It wasn't all though I had a crush on her when we last saw each other. She was beautiful then but now she is even more beautiful and I guess I still have a slight crush on her. I smiled thinking about her.

"Can we meet her?" Hobi asked smiling looking at me. Why? I wondered if they are just trying to torment me. I shook my head trying to understand them.

"She was stunning she had just a beautiful figure and..." Jimin said using his hands to make the shape of her figure. I glared at him and rolled my eyes. He smirked and chuckled trying to annoy me. Kookie and Tae chuckled at what jimin did smirking as well.

"Hey now, she is one of my good friends. Well was don't talk about her like that" I tell him getting possessive over her.

"Why you so upset about it, She was sexy Hyung. Can I get her number" Jimin said smirking and glared at him and pushed him.

"No" I said heading to the bedroom to hide. I laid on the bed and sigh getting on my phone and I texted her.

Yoongs: Did you get home ok?

Seren: Yes I did, I just took a shower and got into some warm clothes. Are you ok?

Yoongs: I am good, my friends are just teasing me about you now.

Seren: I'm sorry it was good seeing you though.

Yoongs: Jimin got them all curious enough that they want to meet you, but i don't think our work will allow us to have you over.

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