Chapter Four: The Bargain

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"We are monsters with good intentions, our instincts drive us but our passions devour us." -E.C. Lemus 

Something slammed into Everett's chest, throwing him back a step.

"Whoa there!" He exclaimed, grabbing the figure by the shoulders to steady them. Their hood had fallen back, giving him a good look at the person responsible. Light hair and remarkable eyes stared back at him, and he could immediately tell something was off. The girl pulled her hood back over her head, body folding inward as if trying to disappear. 

"Sorry," She said hesitantly. Everett frowned, her voice carried a crisp and unrecognizable accent he couldn't put his finger on. "I didn't mean to bump into you." From what he could see of her face, an embarrassed blush was spreading across her unnaturally pale skin. Most people had sun-darkened skin and a splatter of freckles, but she looked as if she rarely went outside.  

The girl tugged nervously at a string on her cloak, something glinting on her middle finger. He peered closer at her ring. 

It was a worn silver band with the letter A engraved on it. He thought he was imagining it at first, but it was undoubtably the Royal Crest ring. Although Raveene had a democratic system, with multiple positions of power, Asteria was well known to be quite the opposite. Even children recognized the symbol of royalty. It was quite ridiculous to have one person dictating an entire kingdom, and Asteria was widely frowned upon by Raveenions. But how was someone of royalty in Raveene? Judging by her age, he jumped to the conclusion that she was Saphira-the heir to the throne.

His eyes must've been bulging out of his sockets, because the girl hastily tucked it away. She was muttering quickly, and he caught a few vulgar words. "How-?" Everett stopped, before starting again, "Why are you here?" It took a second for the reality of the situation to dawn on him. He had no idea what to do. Quickly, he fell to the ground in some version of a bow, drawing attention from passersby.

The princess cursed again, slapping herself on the forehead. He felt a hand on his wrist, and suddenly he was up, being dragged behind a store. She bent down to pull something from her boot, and in a flash a small knife was being pressed against his throat. 

"Uh, hello?" Everett said, still confused. "Are you princess Saphira?" His mind couldn't keep up with what was happening. 

"Queen." She muttered angrily under her breath. 

The knife trembled, and Everett gulped, watching it bob with the movement. He tried to push it away, but Saphira only applied more pressure, guilt written all over her face.

"Right. Queen Saphira." He said uncertainly. 

"No." She groaned, eyes shuttering closed. Everett considered trying to run for it while she was distracted, but he was too curious. If she wasn't Saphira, who was she?

"Queen Arielle?" 


"I mean you don't look that old, but..." Everett trailed off. "Wait! Weren't there rumors of a younger sister? Something like..." He searched his brain, and the girl raised a brow expectantly. "Ellie?" 

She deflated. "Elsea." 

"Rightttt." Everett did recall something like that. "The girl who has never left the palace for her whole life, refusing go outside. There's a children story about her." 

"Is that how people see me?" Elsea groaned again, clearly a dramatic person. 

"I mean, people don't really think you exist." Everett added helpfully. "But I guess older siblings overshadow the youngest." 

"We're twins." 

"And she's queen?" 

Elsea winced, before seeming to realize the situation she was in, and what she'd just admitted. She schooled her features into a blank expression, her grip on the knife tightening. "You're going to forget this ever happened," her voice turned cold, "got it?". It was like a practiced mask slipping over her face. 

"This is a pretty unforgettable experience, princess. Now why don't you tell me why you're in Raveene?" 

"No." She said. "I'll give you two gold coins, and then you're going to leave." She dug around for a moment, before dropping the coins into his hand. His fingers curled possessively around them, but he tried to appear nonchalant. The money she casually gave away was enough for a week's meal.

"A runaway then?" Everett prodded.

"Just take the money and leave." Elsea hissed, irritation flashing across her face. Bingo. There was no way he was going to leave her now, not when she was easily the most intriguing person he'd met. 

"Judging by your appearance, you're definitely a runaway. A royal runaway at that. And, in order to maintain your secrecy, you need my cooperation." His smile was all fox. "And being the helpful person I am, I'm willing to arrange something here. You clearly need help fitting in and conveniently, I need money."

"You're joking."

"Lets see..." Everett tapped on his chin, ignoring the blade that pressed dangerously into his skin. He paused for dramatic effect. "Seven gold coins for two weeks of my secrecy." 

"You're crazy." Elsea said.

"But on top of that, I will kindly agree to help you fit in. Show you around, introduce you to some people, get you situated. A win-win." Everett clasped his hands together and looked at her expectantly. 

"And if I say no?"

"Then I'll tell the first person I see that Princess Ellie - I mean Elsea- of Asteria is here in Raveene."

"You're blackmailing me." She stated. "When I'm the one holding the knife." At least she didn't say no, Everett thought.

"No." Well, never mind. "What if I kill you right now?" Elsea dug the knife even farther into his throat to emphasize her point. Everett hadn't thought about that.

"Do it then," He said, with more confidence than he thought. "You'll just bring more attention to yourself." Elsea looked terrifying, but he was sure she wouldn't kill him. Maybe she would stab him in the leg just to scare him though. Doubt started to creep in, and Everett started to realize the gamble he was making. 

When Elsea made no move to slit his throat, he grinned. "That's what I thought, ice queen."

"Give me a day to consider," Elsea said, shooting him a death glare. "And make it five gold." Reluctantly, her grip on the knife loosened. Before she could remove it, Everett hit her wrist, causing the knife to arc into the air. He caught it by the hilt easily, and slipped it into his black boot. 

"Nice knife." He smirked.


Would you rather have more frequent updates with shorter chapters, or less frequent updates with longer chapters?

Also, first impressions on Everett? I'm excited to write more about him <3

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