Ch 3: Raboot

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The Next Day...

Scorbunny: *Yawn* "Good morning Riolu."


Scorbunny: "Riolu?"

Scorbunny p.o.v

I woke up to find that Riolu was not on the bed, so I got up and began to search for Riolu.

Scorbunny: "Riolu! Where are you!?"

Scorbunny p.o.v
As I walk around, I hear a bashing noise from behind bushes.

Scorbunny: "Huh, what's that noise?"

Scorbunny p.o.v
I followed the noise to find Riolu using his Metal Claw attack on a tree. I approached him, wondering what he was doing.

Scorbunny: "Riolu, whatcha doing?"

Riolu: "Oh. Good morning Scorbunny. I was doing a little training, and I think I'm getting the hang of it. Watch this."

Scorbunny p.o.v
I watch Riolu use his Metal Claw attack on the tree and cut it into two.

Scorbunny: "Wow, that's awesome, Riolu. I have some moves I want to show you too. Do you want to see them?"

Riolu: "Sure."

Riolu p.o.v
I watched as Scorbunny took a deep breath and aimed at a tree. When she blew, out came a small scorch flame.

 When she blew, out came a small scorch flame

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Scorbunny: "WHAT!?!?"

Riolu p.o.v
I couldn't help but "chuckle," Scorbunny turned around and looked at me with a sad face and spoke with an embarrassed voice.

Scorbunny: "R-Riolu..."

Riolu: "I'm sorry, Scorbunny, it's just that I'm surprised that you can't use your Ember Attack."

Riolu p.o.v
I saw that Scorbunny face started to get teary-eyed, and I began to worry.

Scorbunny: *Sniff*

Riolu: "Um... Scorbunny? Are you okay?"

Riolu p.o.v
I walked up to Scorbunny and put my paw on her shoulder, but she gave me an angry face and pushed me.

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