~ Chapter Five ~

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I grabbed my gym uniform and slammed the locker shut with my foot before rushing off to my next class. There is a path down to the gym, but I prefer to take a short cut. Running down the hill I have my shoes slide down the damp moss underfoot before jumping up again over a large rock. I do this a lot, especially when I'm late.

Jogging into the gymnasium,  I greeted the teacher quickly and struggled to get my shirt over my head in the change room. A lot of people talk in the change room, especially Claire and Lacey. To put it lightly... They hated PE.

I don't. It's one of the few classes I'm actually good at, and I enjoy it. 

Aly joined me for the warm-up and we started our three laps of the gym.

"Hey," I said. 


"How's your nose?"

"It's seen better days, how's your life?"

I laughed, "It's pretty good thanks." We kept pace with each other for half a lap then turned a corner and continued to run. 

"So, is George in our group now?" Asked Aly. Hm? George?  I looked across the gymnasium to where George was doing knee push-ups.

"George?" I asked stubbornly.

"Yeah, he said he wanted to join us."

I still didn't understand what was going on with the groups. Maybe it's because I haven't been in a different 'group', at least I think?

"Oooh-" Something clicked, "Yeah, he talked to Gavin and we agreed it was fine."

She nodded, thinking silently.

As we finished our laps we slowed down and looked at the warm up sheet, most people were still in the change rooms. Only me, Aly, George and Mack and a few other people were already working. I got down into a plank position before starting to do my push-ups.

Aly came down next to me, and reluctantly started to do hers as well. "Do you remember that kid named Lorenzo?"

I looked at her oddly, squinting my eyes between push-ups. "Lorenzee? Who's Lorenzee?"

"Lorenzo, left in grade four, Dad's italian." Italian, I could really go for some pizza right now. I shoved that thought away and started racking my brain trying to remember.

"Oh, him. I guess he was okay." He was a pretty average kid but I didn't know him that well. I shrugged, it least tried while doing another push-up. I've lost count by now.

We eventually finished up the warm up and opened our computers, sitting down to do our reflections. I don't normally mind being on my computer, it means that I get time to do whatever I want but PE is different, I want to run around, throw things and be active. 

Isn't that the point?

After getting through that and having a quick chat with mainly Aly along with some others online, it was time to destroy each other in a classic game of dodgeball. Yus.

Equipment was put out and teams were set up.

I was with Luke, Clarie, Gavin, Keon and Aly. I tensed up waiting for the let's go, eyeing the balls in the center along with everyone else. 

3... 2... 1!

I sprinted forwards alongside Gavin, Keon and George. Me and Koen got to the balls first, I grabbed one and backed up slowly. While Koen  grabbed as many as he could and started bombing the opposite side.

"Watch out!" 

A ball flew to my shoulder and I deflected it with the one in my hands. Took a step back and aimed directly at Charles on the opposing side. I grabbed another ball and I threw it at Keela, hard, who didn't have time to dodge it- oof. 

Looking to my left there was Grace, not really suited for this kind of thing.

"Grace! Duck!" 

She did, just in time. I ran past her, picked up a ball and threw it. Aly shot another ball out of the air with her own, while dodging one near her head. She protected the team on defense, and was good at it. Luke grabbed a ball and chucked it. Koen and Mack were going rapid fire at each other and George-

George was down. Shoot!

"Gavin help Koen on offense!" I yelled across the room, ducking and shooting again. "Common team we got this!"

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