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The only thing that kept the last day of school from being the best day of school, is that the classes felt years longer than the rest. Your hair felt as if it grew 10 pounds heavier and your cheeks began to warm. This internalized heat only made your day drag even longer. The teacher began to talk which kinda added onto the irritation, but at least something is keeping you entertained.
"So, I hate to inform you that you all are going to be assigned a project for this summer," the class began to groan, "let me explain before you guys complain."
"The only intention of this assignment is to have fun and make friends, although it will impact your grade next year, so I do expect you to participate."
Everyone, disregarding the teacher's proposal, groaned once again.
"Alright guys, it's simple, I will have you all partner up with someone new," the teacher continued, "Challenge yourselves by meeting and talking to someone new for 30 days this summer."
Everyone looked at each other, already pin-pointing who they were going to partner with, "Guys, I mean it, work with someone new."
"You don't want me to choose your pairs for you, do you?"
Everyone readjusted themselves in their chairs and faced forward toward the teacher and finally went completely silent.
"Alrighty, I want you all to hang out with someone for 30 days this summer and each day, film or journal your experience."
"If you are unable to participate, I would like an email from your guardian, otherwise I expect everyone to play a part."
"Lastly, please, keep it school appropriate," the teacher shook his head.
Finally, the bell rang, releasing the students from the class. You had to push and squirm through a swarm of students just to get to your locker--Which your best friend Cleo was already standing beside.
"Who did you partner with for the project?"
"Nobody yet," you replied, pulling your books from your locker and piling them into your bag. The bag that felt light as a feather now feels as if it's carrying a ton of bricks.
"Oh, I got Daniel," Cleo said all giddily. She never had the guts to talk to Daniel.
"I don't know, Cleo, I might just have my mom email Mr. Henderson."
"Come on, I'm doing it so I'm making you do it too."
You cracked a smile, "Fine, only if I can find someone." You zipped up your bag and shimmied into it. It was so heavy you had to walk with your back hunched and a little bit of bend in your knees. You waved to Cleo and hurried home. You could text her later. There was loads of planning to do for this project. You had to think about what you were going to do with them and where you were going to go. You had to determine what kind of photos and videos you were going to take together and how to present them. Worst of all, you had to build up the confidence to actually ask someone to work with you. This is going to be a long summer.

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