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Immediately as soon as you got home, you dropped your bag on the ground and flopped onto your bed. Your bed felt like you were swimming in a pool of cotton candy or as if you were laying in the clouds. It also reminded you of taking your shoes off after walking a great distance and dipping your feet in water. This feeling was great, too great even, because you ended up falling asleep and missing your alarm for work. When you woke up you were oddly very happy, but that feeling of content was cut short when you checked the time. You have never got out of bed this quickly, you have been late for work so many times that you were certain that it could've been your last day. You began scouring your room for your uniform, maybe some deodorant of some sort because your sweat from school still remained. Then you put on your uniform, it was nothing special. It was just a fitted black t-shirt with your work's logo and a pair of jeans. You decided you looked presentable enough to leave, so you dashed outside and took your bike to work. You didn't have all the time in the world to walk.  You were already dreading your shift before you even arrived at work.
Once you parked your bike in the back, you saw how many people were already there and you began to cry on the inside. It was already a nightmare. Not only that, but you felt really bad for your co-workers because everyone is depending on them to take their orders and are expecting perfection.
    You hustled inside to clock into work, following that you put on your apron and immediately got to taking orders. You were horrible at working under-pressure, you found yourself stuttering and screwing up on orders often. Because of that, your co-workers were giving you nasty looks every-once in a while. You decided you didn't feel bad for them.
Finally the mob of people died out and now you were barely having to do anything, which made you kind of bored. For some reason you were now desperate to take someone's order. Apparently you just can't make up your mind. Thankfully your wish was fulfilled, the bell on the door rang as someone opened it. You immediately grabbed your pen and clicked it, then you turned on your happy persona.
    "Hi! What can I get for you?"
    The guy stared blankly at the menu behind you, while a much shorter, younger girl projected herself forward.
"Can I get a scoop of chocolate ice-cream?"
"Of course, would you want that in a cone or a bowl?"
"Cone, please!"
You couldn't help but smile, the girl seemed like a ray of sunshine in contrast to what seemed like her older brother.
"Alright, and for you?" You averted your attention back to the guy. He was oddly familiar, you felt like you've seen him around school or something.
He pulled a small notepad and a pen from his pocket, you thought it was odd that he would just carry that around, then he began to jot something down.
"Chocolate ice-cream with cherries," the piece of paper said. He seemed unamused and you really couldn't believe the nerve on this guy. He didn't crack a smile or anything of that sort, he just kinda stared blankly at the ground. Instead of making a fuss of it, you nodded and got to making their orders. You quickly filled two cones with ice-cream and dropped cherries on one of them, then they were ready to serve.
"That will be 5.28."
    You watched him rummage through his pocket for a second then pull out a crisp 10 dollar bill. He tossed it on the counter and while you were counting change to hand back to him, it registered in your brain who he was, "hey, aren't you Dwayne?"
    In response, he stared blankly at you for a few seconds, then he nodded. Of course it was Dwayne, why didn't you think that before? You handed him his change and he turned to walk away.
    "Wait, do you know about that thing in Mr. Hendersons?" He averted his attention back toward you and nodded once again.
    "Well, I was kinda struggling to find a partner, and no offense, but I assume you don't have one," you continued to say, "so, would you be interested in being my partner?"
    He shrugged.
    "So, is that a yes?"
    He seemed pretty annoyed as he reached into his pocket to pull out the notebook once again. He scribbled in it for a little bit. It seemed like he was having a hard time deciding, then he held it up for you to read, "Why not?"
    You smiled then ripped a menu sheet from the notepad--which you used to take orders with--and you wrote your number.
    "Call me or something when you get the chance."
He nodded and walked off. His sister danced happily behind him with her chocolate ice-cream. You had a feeling he was never going to contact you.
Eventually, your shift at work ended and you could finally rest. You made it home and instantly ran to your room. You didn't even worry about taking off your uniform. The first thing you did was message Cleo.

Me: well it looks like im gonna do the project
Cleo: YAY u found someone??
Me: yeah
Cleo: WHO? spill
Me: dwayne
Cleo: dwayne? dwayne paxting?
Me: no, hoover
Cleo: girl ur wrong for that
Me: why??
Cleo: he doesnt have any friends and he doesnt like people. he basically has no choice but to do the project now
Me: so? he might not want to do the project but at least he feels included yk?
Cleo: also ur screwed
Me: why?
Cleo: he doesnt talk

You kind of figured that one out already, but her saying that clicked it into your brain. You knew he didn't talk, but you didn't think about it until now. This was going to be way more difficult than you thought.

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