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i know there is some random and unnecessary details in this story but it is actually pretty important to the story later on. or is it? idk maybe it's a late april fools joke or something. enjoy
Days went by and you heard nothing from Dwayne. Everyday you would sleep, check your phone to see if he texted you, eat, check your phone again, go to work, check your phone during work.
You sighed and handed a cone to the customer before you. You stuffed the cash in the register, closed it, then leaned against the counter. You were longingly looking at the front door, hoping maybe he might come in and order another chocolate cone. At least that would've kept you occupied throughout the day. Unfortunately, he never showed. It's not like he ever promised you he'd come by again, but for some reason you had wished he would. But that's not the only thing you wished for, you also wished to get the hell out of there because you were bored out of your mind. To your surprise, a customer had just walked into the door, saving you from what felt like an eternity of boredom.
"I see you brought your own waffle cone today," you said, a smile creeping onto your face.
"You sure bet I did."
It was your first week of work and out of nowhere this guy walked up to you with his own waffle cone requesting that you fill it up with peanut butter soft serve. This would happen every week on a Tuesday for four weeks until you finally managed to muster up the courage to ask him why. He had told you it was because he had a gluten allergy and he would bring his own gluten-free cones. You had made all these crazy assumptions on why he would bring his own waffle cones and when you found out the real reason, you were embarrassed. You had no reason to, but you thought it was the funniest thing ever and you deemed him as your favorite customer. After your crazy assumptions went away, you felt comfortable talking with him. You realized that you guys were more alike than you thought and over time you learned a lot about him.
"Here you go!" you said, handing him the peanut butter soft serve.
"Wait, one weird request, but do you think you could put some crushed oreos on top?" he said, handing it back to you. You gave a puzzled look as you took back the cone, "Yeah sure."
You did as he asked and gave the cone back to him. He paid and was on his way out the door, early especially, he didn't make any conversation. Weird. After a while you just decided to stop questioning things and get ready to leave work.
You finally arrived home and you thought you should make something to eat, but that thought came to a halt when you heard your phone buzz. You dropped everything just to unlock the phone to see a message from an unknown number.

???: hi
Me: hello?
???: it's me dwayne
???: come over. [insert address here]

You didn't know how to react and you didn't know if you should even go over there. What if he was trying to kidnap you? He didn't seem like the type to kidnap you, but you never know.
Anyway, you decided to go over there because you don't like to take safety precautions and you were really curious about why he wanted you there, or what he wanted to say--or what he wanted to write. So, you changed from your uniform into your casual wear and headed to his place.
Once you arrived you almost wanted to back down, your heart began to race and you were violently shaking. What if he just opened the door and took you into his custody? You shook your head at that thought, you needed to stop assuming things like that. Then you knocked on the door.
When the door opened, you met with a taller blonde woman. Immediately, you felt a sense of relief because she seemed like she wasn't going to kidnap you.
"Hi, make yourself at home!" She stepped out of the door frame, giving you entrance to the house. The first thing you noticed as you entered the living room was the smell of chicken lingering from the kitchen. "Hold on, I'll be right back," the woman said, turning down the hall.
"Dwayne!" you could slightly hear her voice, "your friend is here."
The woman came back like she had promised and eventually Dwayne followed. He looked like he had just woken up from a nap. His hair was messy and his face looked a little puffy. You couldn't help but smile at him.
"We just ordered fried chicken for dinner, I hope that's okay," the woman said as she began arranging plates onto the table.
"Yeah, of course."
There was an awkward silence for a while. That was something you were to expect with Dwayne being mute. Although, the silence didn't last long as the little girl you saw the other day had run into the room. Following behind her were other family members of Dwayne. One of them seemed to be his grandpa and his dad, while you couldn't really tell the other one's relation. Everyone sat down, you having to sit next to Dwayne. The food was good although Dwayne's grandpa was complaining about having it for the 5th time that week. Nobody really seemed to care about his complaining, but Dwayne's dad. His dad and his grandpa were biting back at each other like fish. His mom had to tell them to shut up and eat because she didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. Ultimately there wasn't much conversation until their dad asked Olive if she'd like to explain her "routine".
"Well, Little Miss Chili-Pepper is a beauty contest for everyone in Albuquerque but you have to be 6 or 7 and you have to be a girl."
"Spring break, Dwayne went to see his dad in Florida for two weeks and Olive went to Laguna to see her cousins," her mom continued to say, "she made it to the top 3 regionals out there," that was when you realized that "Dwayne's dad" wasn't Dwayne's dad, it was actually his step-father. You learned his name was Richard.
"I was in second place."
One of the guys wished her good-luck and that's when Olive's dad went into a motivational speech. He said that it wasn't about good luck and that he doesn't want her to be a loser. That didn't last long because Olive's mom had told him to be quiet and eat his dinner.
"You know actually, there is a message from Cindy on the machine, something about Little Miss Sunshine," said her dad.
"What, Little Miss Sunshine!?" Olive perked up. Immediately, she hopped up from her seat, turned the corner into the kitchen, and played back the message on the machine.
"Sheryl, it's Cindy, remember when Olive was here last month, she was a runner-up in the regional Little Miss Sunshine?," Cindy on the message said, Well they just called right now and said that the girl who won had to forfeit her crown, I don't know why, something about diet pills, but anyway, now she has a place in the state contest in Redondo Beach." The rest of the message was unintelligible as Olive began to scream and run around. As Olive left the room, her mom--you learned that her name was Sheryl--called Cindy back. The excited expression that Sheyrl had when she called Cindy back had dropped when she learned that Cindy was no longer going to be taking Olive to the competition.
"We have to take her."
"What?" Richard looked up from his plate.
"Cindy said she isn't able to take her and that we will have to."
"We can't afford to get a plane," Richard argued.
"Well, I guess I can drive Olive and you guys can stay here."
"No, we are all going," argued Richard once again.
Dwayne began to shake his head with this expression on his face, it looked like he was crying for help.
"We can all load up in the van, it will be a perfect opportunity for us to all get to know Y/N," it kinda shocked you when Richard knew your name, but you didn't even know his until a few minutes ago.
Dwayne continued to shake his head. You couldn't tell if he didn't want you to go or if he just didn't want to go himself.
"Is that alright with you, Frank?" Sheyrl asked the only guy who had been quiet this entire time--besides Dwaye.
"Only if Dwayne goes."
Everyone's attention was now on Dwayne. He continued to shake his head.
"Please?" Sheryl requested.
He pulled his notebook from his pocket and dropped it on the table, he quickly began to write, "This is not fair, I don't ever do anything other than want to be alone."
"Dwayne, come on, it'll be easier for you to get this 30-day project thing done."
He sighed and scribbled on the paper once again in defeat, "Fine, only if Y/N goes."

30-Day Trial - DWAYNE HOOVER X READER Where stories live. Discover now