02 • The Blind Date

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jinjin restaurant, at 12:00 pm.

the hell? 12 pm? lunch break you mean?

yeah. i still don't know who was your blind date. i received just the time and location from grandpa's list.

okay, when is going this to happen?

after two days.

what should i wear?

like what i said, your brand, channel. wear a backless one piece dress paired it with a jacket then you would discourage him by showing or revealing your collarbone because these days, boys don't like when girls would reveal too much skin.

i get it lalisa, don't worry i tend to get overreacting sometimes on my babies, i mean on my brand. you know what i'm saying right?

yeah, wish you luck!

i would text you when it goes well or not

by the way, i forgot to tell you. you need to make him discourage because if not then he would definitely be offering a wedding proposal.

yeah i know, it's too much work. you would definitely treat me if this goes well, lalisa.

yes, i get it.

after two days, the blind date is still going without lalisa's grandpa knowing about lalisa won't go on the first blind date instead jennie would go.

"i'm at a restaurant right now, i see him already. oh my gosh– he was your ceo!! the jeon jeongguk!!~" jennie texted.

"wait– jeon jeongguk??? what the hell" lalisa eyes widened after looking at the text, jennie has been sending.

"i wish it goes well" lalisa murmured.

lalisa busying herself on the company while still checking her phone about the update from jennie but still an hour but jennie hasn't texted.

"weird. it goes well right?" lalisa thinks.

when she was looking at the papers that needed her sign when suddenly someone knocks on her door.

"come in" she softly said while still looking at the papers to check some details and misspelled words.

"don't be too hard on yourself, lalisa"

when she heard that voice, she look up only to meet taehyung, one of the friend of their ceo and also a worker of the company.

"hey, tae. what are you doing here?" she asked.

"i came to check on you, and also chat with you."

"hold on– you don't have any works to do?"

"i have, but since our ceo isn't here so i'm relaxing myself just for a short time."

"what do you mean?"

"he left." he answered and sat on the couch while still looking at lalisa.

"where would he go at this hour? it's almost lunch break."

"he will attend a blind date that set by his dad." he replied while touching some things that lalisa own at the table.

"where is that little friend of yours? i'm surprised she doesn't visit today."

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