If I were...

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If I were a poet 

I woud compose a sonnet and let it roam

with the hope that the world might know of my love for you,

so profane and pure as snow. 

But since I'm only me,

I'll watch you shyly and dare not to write a word for the eyes of anybody but my own. 

If I were a musician 

I would scribble lyrics and sing along till a tune that matched your beauty struck me.

This tune and its lyrics would walk hand in hand into the hearts of every lover

so the world might feel my love for you. 

But since I'm only me,

I'll mumble and stumble through somebody else's song in the shower 

with your face behind my eyes. 

If I were a dancer 

I would twirl in endless cirlcles in front of an audience 

so that they might watch me and know the dizziness I feel when you walk into the room. 

But since I'm only me,

I'll love you as I know how.

As one. 


Hey guys 

Its  been a while (thats the biggest understatement)

but I finally got some inspiration so here's another poem. 

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