⊹⊱K-Ðråmå vïßê§⊰⊹

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From one side of the earth to the other and round, it would be better defined how far our office and his house falls. But it is a relief nevertheless to have a roommate with sports car. Saves time apparently.

"Manage your own conveyance. Don't ever put the slightest thought of sitting in my car." But guess I forgot I'm going to live with a monster. A coldhearted adonis.

After the long standing journey, the fluff couch which is another expensive material, when falls right in front of your eyes, it's tempting to jump and lie on it. That temptation gets the best of me. I unconsciously get attracted to it and the gravity pulls me.

"Stop!", he shouts. And my shoes force stop me before falling onto my comfort matter. There has to be some kind of past animosity he holds towards me now he is settling.

Moreover, his behavior sometimes makes me wonder if this is an alternative world I've entered by mistake. "Make a line you're not supposed to cross and enter mine", he holds the tape ready to pull it out any moment. "Are you in drama world? Be logical seriously!"

He sighs in disappointment forming a thin lined lip. He's equally adorable for some reasons even with is rogue personality. Which makes me wanna slap myself so hard. He's your boss dumb bean!

"Whatever. But don't ever try to make any physical contact with me. Not even touching my hands", his eyes raise in strict warning. Oh boy you think I have slightest interest in you. But you sure don't know I'm an antagonist.

My feet make the progress towards the cold body that stiffens more as I approach with the unhidden smirk. His eyelids blink faster, pupils running left to right avoiding the contact. At one time, he almost bends back as I lean closer to him. Teasing runs in my blood.

"Wh-what are you trying to do?", he stutters cutely which makes me smile mischievously trying to hide the laugh that bursts inside me. As if he had encountered love at first sight but denial and his ego was overpowering him bad.

"What do you think?", I ask back leaning even more closer to the point he is trapped between my hands. But my intention wasn't anything wrong. I'm girl of calmness and pure thoughts. Pure can be manipulated a little though.

I grab the packet of chips rolling my eyes and body back to my initial position. He straightens his jacket and clearing his throat speaks, "Divide the fridge." Actually that's an order in a way and I can't do anything about his k drama vibes. So no other option left I nod at his words.

It would be understatement to say he was rich. This person is bloody millionaire coming straight from the ancient royal family. Everything about his office and home is downright expensive. Or maybe that is an exaggeration for all these are bought by Asahi. I mean he is munificent in general except the way he acts around us.

"Which room am I supposed to live in?", I ask finally. Three rooms appear in front of me all vibrant and all big. "Not in the right one at all", he replies sternly. Supposedly it's his room.

I choose the left one but his high pitch pierces my eardrum. "Not that one too!" Not that he expects me to sleep on couch does he? Though the couch seems comfy but nothing is as pleasant as bed.

Without asking him the third time to get rejected, I head towards the middle room.

"T-that one...", he attempts to stop but slows down as I enter the room, "...is an occupied room too."

My body drops flat on the bed without straining my eyes more to look around. It takes a brief amount of time when my soul leaves my body wandering in this mansion like apartment.

"It is massive outbreak -- He might be struck -- Asahi was affected!--"

With all my strength I pull myself out of the nightmare that now runs blur in front of my eyes. The reels are but shockingly strange connecting to all the people I've recently met.

Nightmares are all the mixture of subconscious memory with essence of stress.

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