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12 4 0

Morning freshness and the aroma of delicious food tickling in your nose gives heavenly pleasure with the growing desire of tasting it. Having done your chores throughout your life, a partner sharing your burden would please you with all your heart.

I come out of the room tying my hair to set up to leave. The air filled with aromatic smell and the table decorated with mouth watering food leaves me amazed. I feel respected all of a sudden. And just then a boy with brown highlights wearing jeans and loose shirt with a bandana, comes to my sight holding two plates with omelets. Again, his beauty makes my mind go crazy.

"Did you prepare it for me? You're so kind", I grin showing off my white teeth as I take my seat opposite to his. He gives me a cold look then scrolls his phone with emotionless face.

The silence eats me more than I eat the food. So the attempt to initiate the conversation. "I thought you would divide the kitchen as well", sarcastically I start. 

"I don't want to see my kitchen being burnt down into ashes", still scrolling his phone while taking in his food, Hyunsuk bluntly states the truth. I have to correct that I felt respected. It was more of mocking me indirectly.

"You underestimate me too much don't you?" The more I think the more he seems to be living in a korean drama. "I'll show you my cooking skills someday and I bet you'll keep licking your fingers."

My habit of speaking continuously is annoying but I'm helpless with this innate habit. As usual I continue to talk in the air when Hyunsuk puts the toast in my mouth. Had I said it didn't arise any feelings it'd be a transparent lie. The adrenaline rushes tickling the soft corners of the delicate body turning my cheeks soft pink, fortunately, almost invisible.

His actions are unpredictable. I need to stay alert. 

Later That Afternoon

There has never been a moment I wouldn't regret my actions after a course of time. Big rising company, air conditioned office with almost all the top facilities basically giving luxurious feels yet there's a profound absence of enthusiasm. The reason is doubtlessly the choice of my job. A computer science student ended with the post of Personal Assistant is the situation of helplessness — if not more than demotion.

Future is an unpredictable time which follows a maze of present. So I accept it having no choice and hand in the file to Hyunsuk. The file is physical but.

"Sign this and I'm taking a break now", the pages turn and my energy sinks. But how did I not remember he wasn't going to go easy on me.

Given, he had a perfect chance to get even. His smirk was confirmation. "Why do I suddenly feel sleepy?", his majesty fake yawns filling every pore of my body with vexation, "Get me my cappuccino."

He was made meticulously with swiftness, creativity and frustration by God. Indeed a work of art. And pain to my ass.

I could use him as a good punching bag or a stress relieving dough and sometimes I do it too if you can ignore the small fact that it is all in my head.

<)) Reportedly the information we're getting that 3 districts of Busan are under havoc due to an outbreak ((>

<)) There is suspected massive outbreak of viru- ((>

It starts to display on the news portals and channels. I listen to it before the order is called. The Coronavirus is still spreading it's legs and to add salt to it there's news of outbreak of another virus.

The situation bespeaks the struggle the coming generation will have to face living with the pathogens all around.

However, the Seoul sky, that I see stepping out of the store, is strangely most calming today. The cloudy blue sky with birds flying higher and faster to reach their nests adds to the beauty. There's a minimal chance of rain shower but the cold breeze is a gentle reminder to carry umbrella just in case. Yet given to the silence on the street, getting a little drenched would give you slight pleasure nonetheless.

Contrary to the suspected alarming situation in Busan. Fortunately the two cities lie farthest to each other.

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