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Having back-to-back articles that required her to travel was a bit tiresome, but Sarada was grateful that she finally had a big project that wasn't centered around Bolt Uzumaki.

Then again, being that many of the celebrities that attended an event like the Sunagakure Charity Golf Tournament were famous athletes and movie stars, there was a high probability Boruto would be there.

It's not like she was hoping he'd be there or anything...

Dark eyes glanced down at her phone as she ventured through Konoha's Central Station. Sarada knew could always just ask him, but she was hesitant to ever let Boruto think she was even remotely interested in his life beyond what her cover story required of her.

With a sigh, Sarada tucked her phone into her bag. She didn't even really care if he was there or not, she reminded herself.

It's not like she wanted to see him or anything...

Sarada stopped in a little convenience store within the train station to buy a quick snack for the ride. As she grabbed her favorite tea from the refrigerator, she noticed her eyes wandering toward the rack of magazines.

She tried so hard to resist, she knew those stupid tabloids were full of lies, and yet, she still felt her feet carrying her over toward them when she saw one mentioning Bolt Uzumaki. With her tea tucked under her arm, Sarada snatched the gossip magazine from the rack and flipped through until she found the page about Boruto.

It described his easy win at the Kirigakure tournament and featured several pictures of him. One of him talking to a group of female track athletes, another of his actual race. But most of the photos of him were with the same girl. Him handing her a water bottle after their warm-ups. Side by sides of them supposedly cheering for each other. Him hugging her after she won her heat.

The article asserted Boruto needed someone like her, someone as hardworking and dedicated, and how they would be the perfect track power couple.

Sarada had to remind herself that not only did she not care, but all of this was probably exaggerated to draw attention. This same magazine suggested he was dating her just two weeks ago.

All he had to do was stand next to a girl for them to jump to these crazy conclusions.

But a nagging feeling in the back of her head reminded Sarada that she also left Kirigakure days before he did, which made her wonder what he was up to in that time... or who he might have been distracting himself with.

'It doesn't matter,' Sarada reminded herself again as she returned the magazine to the shelf with a huff. She knew she shouldn't have even picked it up in the first place when the content would only annoy her.

Sarada spent the train ride trying to forget the stupid gossip she read by listening to some music and transcribing her notes. It was night by the time she got into Sunagakure, so she checked into her hotel and went to bed to prepare for the early morning.


Sarada woke up before the sun rose to get ready for the Sunagakure Charity Golf Tournament. She threw on the only golf-appropriate outfit she owned, a black athletic skirt and a polo, and made her way to the fancy country club the event was being hosted at.

Friendly smiles greeted her at the event check-in, where she showed her Athletics Illustrated credentials. Sarada tried to play it cool the moment she noticed she was in line behind a familiar blonde.

"Good morning, Mr. Namikaze Yellow Flash, sir!" She resisted the urge to facepalm at the overly perky greeting that spilled from her lips. That was totally not cool!

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