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"I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them." – Madam C.J. Walker

The Next Day - Thursday

"Hey T." I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the Cheek.

"Wassup." He replied after i got in his car.

"Where we heading out today?" I asked as i put the seatbelt on.

"The mall and prolly the car shop." He replied pulling off from my house.

"Car shop? you finna get a new car?" I asked.

"Something like that. I sold one of my cars not to long ago, so ima just look into some new ones."

"What you planning on getting?"

He shrugged. "The car I sold was more of a personal vehicle. So I might just get a benz or something."

"Okay big investments I see. That's good though I need to do that, sell one of my cars and get a new one with that money." I responded.

"Yea it's cool. It's like flipping cars but with out really fixing em." He smiled.

"You got such a nice smile." I complimented.

"Thank you. You got a nice face." He said looking over at me.

I blushed. "Charming."

We spoke all the way to the mall and had a good ole laugh, it felt nice to be with Terrell.

When we got to the mall he parked up and we went in.

He shopped for his kids at first but now he's shopping for himself. I wasn't really planning on spending money, I was just going with him just to go to get out the house.

We walked into this store with so much expensive stuff, I was wowed it was cute stuff but I saw a pair of jeans for $1,236 like what?

"You be shopping here frequently?" I asked him.

"Not really. This store be calling me broke and I got over $600,000 in my bank account." He joked.

Maybe it's just a Us thing, even if we wealthy certain stuff be way too expensive even though we can afford it.

We walked to where the bags and such were and he looked at me. "You want one?"

He caught me off guard. "Huh?" I asked.

"I asked if you wanted one." He repeated smiling.

"You sure you wanna spend over $200 on me?" I asked.

He laughed. "It's a gift to you. Since you've been keeping me good company."

"Ion got no returning gift though."

"Oh you already gave me that fashoo, just pick one and stop having so much pride." He smiled.

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