Pointless Honestly

201 30 9

Geography: I have a globe
English: My English Is fine
Maths: I have a calculator
History: Theyre all dead anyway
Music: I have YouTube and Google to help me
Social studies:Insta,Facebook,Oovoo,Snapchat etc...
Drama: The cinema is like a ten minute walk, man
Design Technology: I can go to B&Q or Wal-Mart
Food Technology: I can get a personal chef.
Textiles: Ill go to the shop to buy me clothing essentials Ty very much
Art: There's a reason why artists were born
Computer Graphics: Dafuq do I need it for if I have virus I can go to Currys or PC world Thank you -_-
Sexual Education: Porn is enough and I've got a few websites I know.. xD

If you guys have anymore lessons comment and Ill do them..

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

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