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I'm sorry I was suck a jerk..

I know what I did was wrong..

And you probably hate me...

And you called me a fat ass chicken cause Ash and Jess spoke to you about it but that's my fault not theirs..

I didn't mean to upset you..

I guess all the anger I had towards you for being way more perfect than me just came out..

I don't know why you do what you do yourself because..even if you are my twin sister I still think you're fucking beautiful..

I see how all the boys look at you in the hallway I would personally grate their cocks with a cheese grater but..No off topic..

Amy I'm sorry...

I may be like 2 minutes older than you but you'll always be my role model.

Your so much better than me and I love you

I love how you let me cuddle you when your sick

I love how you give me high fives for no reason.

I love how when mum and dad are "discussing" stuff in their bedroom you always make sex sounds mimicking them cause it's hilarious.

I love the way that even when you're hurting on the inside you seem happy on the outside so everyone else won't stress.

What I don't love is when you cry especially when it's my fault.

When I saw you crying and running to school cause I told you to shut the fuck up and you said why and I said cause you're a fucking annoying bitch..It honestly broke my heart into a million fucking pieces...

Basically all I'm saying is I wanna protect you..

I wanna be the guy you always talk about cause I'm always there when you need me..

I don't wanna be the guy that makes you cry and makes you sad. I know you're not talking to me but I hope you at least read this it would mean a lot.

Amy I just want you too know your the Princess in my castle or my imaginary castle..whatever..

But I'm sorry...I just so fucking sorry...

Please forgive me?

I love with all of my heart princess and I'm still sorry

Btw I know this is your favourite song because I do actually listen to you when you come and talk to me Amy I don't ignore you like you think I do.

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