I hate your mum xD

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Yeah I promised to do 'The Horniness Is Real 2"and I will.

Anyway today me and Ash were talking then these bitches.came up to us like "Why do you guys think you're so sexy?" And we were like "Um ..we don't it's you girls that think we are" Well that's at least I said Ash said "Bitch, I'm sorry I can't talk to you, I prefer not to talk to sluts who roll their skirts up so boys can see half their FLAT (emphasize the Flat when you read this xD) asses .

So bye vagina hole" I was thinking mate calm down but the girls followed us so Ash said " Bitch. Guess what?!....  I hate your mum because You must've been born on a highway because that's where most accidents happen" I couldn't help but laugh then the girl tried to kiss me and before she did I burped in her face and she was like "Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG CASSY GET ME SOME FUCKING TISSUES!!!!" But the funny thing is that our head teacher heard her and told her to get in his office now. And nobody has seen Maddie since lunch time xD

Probably dead or something xD

So I'm glad I shared me and Ash's funny experience with you :)


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