The Horniness is real

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Well today I was in class. Me Lilly Ash and Amy sit together in English and basically we had the weirdest conversation in history of the Fearsome Foursome xD So Imma tell you guys about it.

Me: This class is a waste of my fucking time.

Teacher: Aaron I'm not deaf nor stupid

Me: Yeah right

*The whole class laughed*

Lily: Aaron stop you're gonna get a detention

Me: Yeah Idc she can suck my dick

Lily: Omg Aaron stop

Teacher: Aaron be quiet

Me: I can't because I'm not a virgin

Amy: Yeah You are

Teacher: Are you implying I'm a virgin..?

Me: Yes miss. Yes I am and we both know it's the complete truth.

Teacher: Aaron I'm giving you one more chance to behave if not.. and if you must know I am not a virgin.

Me: If it helps you sleep at night

Teacher: What was that?

Me: Oh miss I sneezed..

Teacher: Well bless you then

Me: Thank you

Ash: Dude. Chill We don't need another detention night.

Me: Yeah sure Ill keep my mouth shut you dick

Ash: Haha Love you too mate

Me: Hell Naww. You don't love me.

Ash: Corse I do *kissy faces*

Me: Omg you creep.

Ash: Yeah thanks mate let's just finish this stupid project.

(Quick note: We had to pick a favourite book and work in teams of four to write an essay and produce a movie of the book)

Me: Or we could talk about sex

Ash: Yeah sure beats doing the project.

Amy: Yeah sure. This project is killing my mind

Me: Lily???

Lily: Hell Naww I ain't doing no dumb sh*t

Me: Kay then.

Amy: Who here masturbates...No lies!

Me: Hell no

Ash: Once..Just got try it out.

Lily: Imma joining in and never..

Me: Okay Ash of you were gay which boy in this class would you have sex with and date?

Ash: Um...Myself

Amy: Bish that don't count

Lily: Correctione 'Bish that DOESN'T count

Amy: Whatever Bush

Ash: Kay fine..I guess Aaron cause he's my best mate.

Me: Awe baeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...Ew. Just Ew. You just never try it. You're gross as actual mutha fudge

Ash: Haha you know you want it.

Amy: He really doesn't

Me: I agree

Lily: I want it...

Me: Omg Lily what did you say?!

Lily: Nothing....

Amy: Yeah sure.

Lily: Moving on...Who here dreams about having sex with someone on this table?

Me: My sister is here my two best friends so no

Ash: I have a few times...

Amy: Once or twice

Lily: Wow...I haven't guess me and Aaron are normal haha.

Me: Totally

* Teacher walks over and we pretend to work*

Teacher: I'm not stupid. I know you guys weren't working

Ash: Yes we were miss.

Me: That was a good joke miss. Tell me another one Bish -_-

Amy: Omg Aaron stop haha.

Lily: Stop or I'm gonna laugh.

Me: Sorry Mum haha.

Ash: Okay she's gone okay it's my turn..

Me: I have my holy water and bible in my bag so go ahead

Ash: Ha.Ha.. So funny...I forgot to laugh.

Amy: Burnnnnnn

Lily: Ooooooooh Beef Beef *laughs*

Me: Shut up guys.

Ash: Okay whatever.Has anyone had an sexual relationship with someone?

Me: Nopeeee. Imma wait until my dick grows bigger

Amy: Once.

Me: Lily you....wait...WHAT?!!

Part two of the conversation coming soon xD

I can't be bothered to keep writing tbh


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