Chapter II

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The little five-year-old princess bounced up and down giddily on her bed. It had been just two days since Lennie had been diagnosed with both ADHD and dyslexia, and her father had finally found an explanation for her hyperactiveness. Somehow, Diana had already predicted that she had these conditions, and had recommended a good doctor for Lennie- Doctor Asclepius. Surprisingly, he had told Bruce not to give her pills to suppress her ADHD and had also told him that her Dyslexia may not fade.

Lennie had been reluctant to go to the doctor after watching a Tom and Jerry episode about an evil doctor. So, Bruce had promised to bring her to a circus if she went along.

And right now, she was busy choosing a cute dress to wear to Haly's Circus.

Within a few minutes, Bruce and Lennie wear seated in the car at the Circus while Bruce was driving. They soon entered the large multicoloured tent after buying their tickets. "Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls! Please settle in, sit back, and enjoy the show! I'm Mister Haly! Today, we have with us renowned entrepreneur, Bruce Wayne! Thank you so much for joining us here." 

The spotlights shone towards Bruce and he waved to the crowd, maintaining his 'playboy' facade.

 "For our first act, I present you..." Mr Haly paused for suspense. "The Mysterio!" 

(A/N: I couldn't think of any other name for an illusion artist, also I'm obsessed with Spiderman, sorry!)

A magician clad in black and purple robes appeared on the stage with a puff of smoke. The crowd erupted in cheers. Mysterio waved his wand around and made flowers appear.

Then he brought out innumerable things from his mouth before swallowing some of them. Some of them were marbles, iron pieces, a long rope, a handkerchief, an acid bottle, and so many other things.

To our great surprise, he just waved his wand and changed an egg into a pigeon and a handkerchief into a flower. He changed the number of a currency note. He was able to transfer a young lady in the front's bank credit card from her pocket into the pocket of the last man sitting in the hall.

Next came two large lions. Lennie, being an animal lover, squealed and pointed toward them. They roared loudly and performed some cool tricks.

Mr Haly entered the stage once again. "Ladies and Gentlemen, now presenting the moment you've all been waiting for... Please put your hands together to welcome the Flying Graysons!"

A family of three walked out onto the trapeze, waving to the crowd. Suddenly, Lennie felt a tugging sensation in her stomach. She started feeling like something bad was going to happen, because of the trapeze rope. She couldn't explain it, but she tried to convey this to her father by pointing and desperately saying, "Bad rope!!"

Bruce brushed this off as a child's imagination and reassured her that this was nothing to be scared about. "I know it's really high, but they'll be fine, okay?"

The boy in the family seemed to be about 8-9. He stayed behind on the platform while his parents swung onto the trapeze. Suddenly, he realized that the rope was burning through. He screamed as it snapped, and his parents fell to their deaths. Everyone stood from their seats, shocked, as he jumped down from the ropes and ran to their bodies. 

The boy sat there, crying his eyes out when unexpectedly he felt two small arms wrap around him. He looked up through his puffy red eyes to see a small girl. "Don't cry. It's ok." She said in an adorably calming voice.

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