Chapter VI

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Lennie's POV

Carlos said it took me way too long to realize that Jack Walker was a half-blood. I hate to agree with him. But he was so awesome back at the mall! Although he had no idea what he was doing and fainted afterward, he single-handedly defeated a full-grown hellhound! Without any weapons!

Anyway, I managed to drag him away before the authorities arrived (he's heavy- or I'm not big enough to carry him), and bought him to the Undercity when he woke up. He and Carlos struck off immediately, but Ekko was still suspicious of him. We explained everything to him, and he finally accepted the fact that he was a demigod after a few hours. He had a billion questions, just like I did a few months ago.

Oh yeah, I also got yelled at for trying to go after the hellhound by myself with only a week of training. Until now, I'd successfully killed smaller monsters, but that was the first time I'd faced a really dangerous one. Anyhow, the three of us were practically besties now! We hung out together whenever both Jack and I could sneak out, he sat with me during recess in school, and often trained with Ekko. He still hadn't been claimed by his godly mother (or father), but he was hoping to get claimed when we went to Camp next week.

Chiron had officially gotten our parents' permission to go. He'd told them that Jack and I were chosen among other students to go to a special camp for students with ADHD and Dyslexia. Dad let me go because he knew I was excited about this, but to make up for not being able to spend so much time with me, he decided to bring Dick and me on a vacation to Malibu! (I have a feeling Grampa forced him to do that.)

So here we were, in a beautiful little cabin in Malibu on a private beach. It felt like heaven- no, wait, it felt like Olympus! It's gonna take me a while to get used to the Demigod lingo. Percy told me that Olympus was amazing- with shimmering waters, gentle sunlight, and perfect architecture (Annabeth said that one). He said that the only thing that spoilt the view was Ares's ugly face. Don't tell anyone I said that! I know Percy defeated Ares and all, but I still don't wanna get in trouble with the war god! He might-


ADHD gives me bad thoughts sometimes.

I'll move on.

Turns out, Dick had stuffed seven of his favorite soft toys into his bag, which Bruce was not happy about. I was helping him unpack when Dad called me down to the kitchen to help him make breakfast. Out of the three of us, I am the only one that can cook, having spent so much time with Grandpa in the kitchen. Dad's barely stepped in a kitchen, and you can trust Dick to set every pot on fire, so- you get the idea.

It only took about five minutes for me to help Dad make toast (who can't make toast by themselves?!). He accidentally dumped half the slab of butter on one of the toasts when I told him that Dick liked his toasts buttered. My stomach hurt after laughing so much!

After breakfast, Dad introduced us to his business partner (whyyyyy?!), Tristan McLean. Yeah, I'm talking about that super famous actor, Tristan McLean. Apparently, he had shares or something in Wayne Industries. He had a daughter, Piper. I'd seen Piper at some Gala before, I think. 

There's no other way to put this- Piper's beautiful. Extremely beautiful. Like, drop-dead kinda beautiful. Before I met her, I'd never thought that an eleven-year-old could look better than pretty. She even talked beautifully- it made me want to do everything she said. I felt like I'd jump off a cliff if she asked me to. I'd never met anyone like her.

We went on a stroll along the coast of Malibu. Dick kept treating us like we were babies. Which, I guess, was justified, considering I was six years younger than him. But it was still annoying. I told him to stop it a billion times, saying that he was embarrassing me. But he ignored

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