Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

I wake up feeling my mom shaking my shoulder and instantly groan, rubbing the back of my neck as it cramps up. That's what I get for sleeping in a car. My mom didn't want to stop at a motel because we're low on money and she wouldn't let me help pay for it so we just took turns driving throughout the night. I have a driving liscense, just we can't afford a car for me. Dad was going to buy me one but guess that's over now.

I pull out my earbuds as I sit up in my seat. "You alright, Mason?"

"All things considered I guess so." I look out the window watching the other houses pass by. It seems like a really nice neighborhood at least. "The houses look nice."

"Yeah, I think you'll really like it here."

".....I wish Mabel could have seen it...."

I hear her sigh softly. "Me is Felix doing there?"

I look down at my taratula, Felix, in his traveling case in my lap. I've had him since I was like 12 and am surprised he's lasted this long. My mom hates spiders so I know she's only asking to change the subject. I used to be terrified of spiders, but my dad gave me Felix as a pet and slowly my fear for spiders went away.

"He's doing okay. At least he didn't have to wake up with a stiff neck."

"He's a spider. Pretty sure they don't have necks."

We park in the driveway at our new house and I see the moving guys arguing with the next door neighbor. A tree branch is on top of an older, pricey looking, car and the fence including his mailbox is under the car's tires.

The neighbor himself is interesting to look at. He has a bandage over his right eye that his bangs partially cover and there's a cut on his temple, dried blood clotted around it. He's wearing a brown jacket and jeans, a necklace with a yellow triangle and blue pine tree symbol on it, and a white shirt that says 'FUCK OFF' on it. He looks like he can't be much older than me, maybe only by a few years.

"Oh boy....Mason stay in the car."

She gets out of the car and heads over to them. I roll my window down partially so I can hear what they are saying.

"Excuse me?" My mom politely says. The blonde guy looks at her annoyed.

"What do you want?"

"I'm Maggie, I guess I'm your new neighbor."

"That so?"

"Yeah, we're moving in today."

"I noticed that. These dipshits with you?" He lazily gestures to the movers.

"They're with the moving company I hired." I see her glance at the mess. "Oh boy....."

"Oh shit more like it. The fence is twenty years old. Car is fourty. And the tree is older than me."

"I'm really sorry this isn't the way......I mean this isn't how I planned on us meeting." She turns to the movers. "Did you guys do this?"

"Of course they did." The blonde guy snaps at her before she turns back to him. "Are you stupid? Take a look at the crime scene."

"Excuse me, there's no need to be rude here. I'm just trying to move in here. This is the company I hired. Accidents happen."

Rolling up my window and taking my mom's keys out of the ignition I step out of the car and go up beside my mom as I hold Felix in his traveling case to my chest. My mom puts her arm around my shoulders pulling me to her.

The blonde guy looks me over without much interest before he turns back to my mom again. "'Accidents happen.' What are you, a fucking adjuster? The car is an antique, missy. Worth a lot of money."

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