Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

The next day I exit the school, thankfully with all my clothes this time, pulling my hat on my head planning on making the long walk back home again but look up hearing a car horn honking. Looking up I see it's Bill in his car and gesturing impatiently for me to get in the car. I see a laundry basket full of clothes in the back and Bill looks like he actually washed his hair for once.

I get in the car setting my backpack down by my feet and pull the seatbelt on as he pulls away from the school.

"Did my mom call you to watch me until she gets out of work again?"

"Yup. And this is going to be a new normal for both of us, so I am laying out some ground rules right here and now. You go where I go. Do whatever it is I fucking say. Get your homework done somewhere along the way, maybe. And most importantly, do not annoy me. I am not happy when I am annoyed."

"Are you annoyed right now?"

"Not particulary."

"Really? Because you're never happy."

He gives me a brief dirty look before he focuses on driving. "Smart ass."

He parks at a convinence store and gives me a quarter. "There is a payphone over there. Go give your mom a call so she knows you aren't still waiting at the school or something."

"It costs more than a quarter."

"Since when?"

"Since longer than I've been alive."

He takes his ashtray and dumps it in my hands, coins and cigarette butts landing in my hands. "If it's more than that, call collect."

I get out of the car, picking out the cigarette butts as I make my way over to the payphone. I am putting the money into the machine getting ready to dial my mom's number when I see Ozinski and three of his buddies roll over to me on skateboards.

"Hey, it's dipshit." She shoves me hard against the wall, the rest of the coins I was holding falling to the pavement. "I got detention because of you, asshole."

"You got detention because you took my stuff."

"How do you know I'm the one who took it? Fucking narc." He shoves me hard again but with his skateboard this time, my face collides with the payphone and I cry out in pain holding my nose feeling it bleeding. "We got a bleeder here."

Tired of this brat's bullshit I slap him hard across the face without even thinking about it. He just glares at me as he hits me with his skateboard. I cry out in pain as I hit the pavement and he presses his foot hard on my chest to keep me there.

"What you little shit heels doing?" He gets off of me and they all look at Bill who walks over, flicking a cigarette at the ground near there feet. "That you, Robert Ozinski?"

"So sir, my name is John."

"Bullshit, you little prick." He picks up the skateboard off the ground. "Reesa Ozinski's kid. I recognize you from the fat Polish nose. Just like your prick father's nose. Guess the rotten apple doesn't fall too far from the damn tree. I got a deal for you little bully shits. Whatever you do to this guy here, I will do to your fucking mothers." He breaks the skateboard over his knee and throws it at them as they take off running. "Get on, pencil dicks!"

He walks over to me and holds his hand out towards me. I just look up at him amazed that he even helped me in the first place. "You need a proper invitation, Pinetree?"

I finally grab his hand and he pulls me up to my feet. He puts an arm around my shoulders leading me back to his car. We get in and he hands me a tissue which I use to try and help with my bleeding nose as he drives.

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