Chapter 2

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(Dipper pov)

Gym class is the fucking worst. I took it at my last school and hated it. I hate it here as well. I'm not really as fit as the other kids in my class. I can't run fast or for very long, I can only do one sit up, and I can't do a single pull up. The only good thing about gym class is that it's the last class before I get to go home for the day. This day has sucked the most out of everything else about the divorce so far.

I go to the locker room and this kid from class, Ozinski, comes over pushing me against my locker and talking in a mocking voice. ""I don't believe anything! I'm not religious!""

The bell rings and everyone else leaves the locker room. I open my locker and to my annoyance my clothes, phone, wallet, and keys are gone. The only things still here are my backpack and hat. They seriously took all of my stuff.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I mumble to myself, being angry and super annoyed at this point. Not having any clothes to change into, I just pull my hat and backpack on my head before I exit the school, kids laughing at me seeing me in my gym clothes.

I pull my hat down to hide my face as I walk away from the school as fast as I can, navigating my way through the unfamiliar city until I get home.

I walk up to my front door reaching in my pocket for my keys only to come up empty and be reminded that all my shit got stolen so I have no way to get into my house. I groan putting my head in my hands.

Wandering around the house I try different windows but none of them will open. I even try the back door but that's locked too. This sucks. I don't want to break a window to get in, we can't afford to have anything fixed at the moment.

I instead just sit on the front steps with my head in my hands, planning to wait there until my mom comes home even though I know it will be hours from now.

I look up seeing the neghbor's car pull into his driveway, right over part of his broken fence. This just makes me think maybe he's the one that ran it over, not the moving company.

He gets out of his car and goes over to his mailbox that's laying in the yard and looks inside it. Not having any choice I get up and stand just barely on his yard.

"Excuse me? Sir?" He looks over at me, confused and annoyed at why I'm bothering him. He looks even more confused at the clothes I'm wearing. "C-Could I use your phone?"

"My phone? Like in my house?"

"Well, do you have a cellphone?"


"Then yeah, I would appreciate it if I could use the one in your house."


"I need to call my mom. I'm locked out of my house. These jerks at school stole my keys. Along with my wallet, my phone, my-"

"I don't need the whole story." He runs a hand through his greasey hair as he loudly sighs. "Fine. One damn call and that's it."

He goes into the house and I follow him inside. He leads me to his phone in the kitchen and I use it dialing my mom's number as I watch the guy poor himself some whiskey into a glass and add ice to it.

I sigh quietly as I get her voicemail, it still being the one dad had helped her set up. She really needs to change that. "Hey mom, it's me. I...uh....I lost my keys so I'm locked out of the house. I also lost my phone so if you can, call this number back. I'm at the neighbor's house." I glance at him not knowing his name.

"Bill." He says before draining his entire glass empty.

"I'm at the neighbor, Bill's house. So just hurry home if you can or call this number if you're able to. Bye." I hang up watching as Bill refills his glass. "Is it okay if I stick around for maybe an hour or two? Just in case she calls?"

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