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Kate boarded the plane, looking back. She was having second thoughts. Should she take that step forward and proceed to California, or turn around and run back to the life she'd come to know, and had always known. A life with her Cookie. She's scared and nervous, and a little frightened all at once. Gyu had always been her safe place, her comfort zone, and stepping out from him feared her the most. He wouldn't be there to comfort her if things went sour. A phone doesn't replace the real person. No matter if they are halfway around the world. How was he feeling right about now? Did all this feel like a mistake to him too? She wondered as she located her seat by the window. She hadn't been sitting there too long when her phone chimed a message. It was from Gyu. He had sent her their goodbye selfie and message that read, "Make me proud. Stay strong. You can do this. Take care. I love you, Kitty Kate. XO's" She was still in tears and reading this only brought on more intense rain. Thank goodness for his dark sunglasses. She sat there for a moment just staring at their picture. Then she felt her heart move, this was a mistake. I don't need this. I have everything I need...She quickly gathered her carried on bag above her head and sifted her way through the boarding passengers. The stewardess stated, "Miss, where are you going? You need to take your seat." Kate replied, "I've changed my mind. I'm going back to my Cookie." She existed the plane. She ran down the corridor hoping to catch sight of Gyu, praying he hadn't left the airport. He's going to be upset with her for missing the opportunity, but at this moment she didn't care. All she wanted was to be with him. A record label was nothing compared to the happiness and love she found in Beomgyu Choi. Once she reached the opened area, her eyes were all over the place. He was gone. She shook her head, "No. Cookie, please come back. I'm here." She closed her eyes, collapsing into an empty chair. Through a wave of muffled tears she caught sight of the diamond on her left hand. His heart. His love for her. All 2 carats of it. He was with her even though she felt so alone. She had said yes. This wasn't goodbye. It was until we meet again. She could do this. She had to. She had to make him proud. She is strong. This was her time to grow, to shine, to show the world what she was made of. She collected her bag, took a deep breath and started to take one foot in front of the other back towards the plane. From out of nowhere she heard, "Kitty Kate, don't go."

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