Chapter 60

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Kate handed me my phone back. All the while I had been trying not to stare at her. It was in the way she talked, the way her eyes glistened, the expression on her face. Ever since I ran into her at the studio, I have not been able to keep my eyes off her. She just has this glow about her. And I can't put my finger on it. I don't see any signs of a baby as Soobin had predicted. But I did notice the band set on her wedding ring finger. But I didn't want to draw attention to it. I was so entranced by her beauty. I didn't come here looking for her, and I definitely didn't come here to fall in love either. That had already happen months ago. Music has always been my top priority. That was until Katelyn Blue. Now my music is about her. Just like today when I was recording the song. Kate was all I thought about. My feelings were written and weaved throughout that song. Every melody, every note. And when I saw her, I felt it all over. Taehyun Kang never believed in love. He never had a soft spot for anyone. Until Kate. Being alone with her made me a nervous wreck, but there was something in the way she looks at me. Her entrancing green eyes. I'd be her fool, her puppet, on any given day. And she smells edible sweet. I'm supposed to be a good guy. I don't want her to think I'm like Soobin. I promise I never intended to fall. I just want her to know I care. I can learn to hide my heart, to cover my feelings. I can swallow my pride, and just love her from afar. But in doing that will I drown in my ocean of love being this close to her ? It's the price I'm willing to pay if I can be with her while I'm here. Kate reached for her purse hanging on the chair. Her eyes caught mine, and she got a strange vibe, "Umm, Tae. Why are you looking at me like that?" I smiled coolly, getting caught off guard, "Well, you know." I rolled my eyes looking away. She touched my jaw with the tip of her finger, redirecting my eyes back to hers. She was nibbling on her lower lip, "You've kind of been doing it all day." Had I? I didn't know what to say. How do you simply respond to something like that? She scrunched her little pinned up nose, "Look, Tae. Thanks for the coffee and the muffin, but I really need to get back to work. My break is over." She leaned in and kissed my cheek. I felt my heart expand and my breath caught up in my throat. All I could do was force a smile and nod, "Umm, huh"
She quickly rose to her feet, placing her purse on her shoulder. I couldn't let her get away. I reached out for her wrist, "Shortcake, have dinner with me tonight?"
She slowly eased herself back down into the chair and reached for my hands, "Oh my gosh...Tae, that sounds wonderful but I can't. I'm working." My heart sank in disappointment, "Oh yeah. The Gypsy. I forgot." She playfully smiled, "No. At the studio. I've got to get this song to perfection. Just when I think I finally got it right, they find something else." I didn't want to intrude, and maybe she didn't want me there. I offered with the shrug of my shoulders, "Maybe I can lend you my services. I can bring take out." She tucked a strand of wavy hair behind her ear bashfully, "Tae, you'd do that for me? It's just business. Dinner and work." I agreed, tripping over my tongue, "Absolutely. No strings attached. We're just friends." She patted my hands, "Great. I'll see you tonight then at the studio." I nodded, "It's a date." She reminded me with a flirty wink, "It's not a date." She walked away and I sat there blushing, my cheeks on fire. Oh my god! How did Gyu get so lucky? Who would have thought this teeny bopper from the softball field would turn out to be this smoking hot of a head turner? I almost felt embarrassed to even think such a thing as I slip the key into the lock at the TXT house. And I surely know Gyu would kill me if he knew the kind of thoughts I was having of Kate. The kind of thoughts I've been having lately. It's bad enough that she's gotten into Soobin's head and Junnie's heart. Somehow I think she's finding her way under Kai's skin, too. It was just a matter of time for me. And it's getting harder and harder to resist her. I have to keep a level head, and not let her casual flirting get to me...even though it drives me crazy. It's so cute. Either Gyu has rubbed off on her, or vice versa. They are truly one of a kind. I unbutton my black star shirt as I walk up the stairs, making my way to my room. What a day it'd been! I was in dire need of a hot shower. Maybe a cold one to cool me off. I needed to freshen up before I see Kate again. See Kate again?? I've never been this excited...even when she lived with us. I take that back. It was always thrilling to see her roaming around the house. Oh how I used to watch her. Sneaking peeks when I thought no one was watching. Just as I made it to my room, I stopped in the doorway. Vanilla. I smelled vanilla. Why am smelling vanilla? Oh how her scent still filled this place. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Oh the memories that live in this place. I was kind of surprised she was not staying here while she was in Daegu, but maybe BigHit offered her something better. A place of her own. Either way it doesn't matter. I'm here and she's here, and tonight we're having dinner.

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