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Torches lined along the dark stone walls dimly lit the room Roiru thought he woke in. A flickering flame in the fireplace cracked a few feet before him. When he came to with the gentle luminosity of the room, the silhouette of a man with two thick, sharpened horns and a large pair of black, feathered wings overlooked him.

The man picked him up to caress his cheeks, then spoke the awe-inspiring words of a celestial language Roiru had yet to learn. After gazing upon his eyes, he handed the boy to a human woman resting on a rocking chair beside the fireplace. It was there where she rocked him to sleep with a frail smile that hadn't the strength to raise her cheeks. As he fell asleep in this distant memory, he woke in the present day to his brother going on about his ardent fantasies.

"I want to see the world beyond this damn city," said Ren, dropping to the grass beside him. They watched the sunset's rays splatter the sky with streaks of red, orange, and blue hues. The way the clouds smeared the sun's colors took his breath away. There had to be sights like these so much more hypnotizing in the world of Terra — they could never see it cooped up in their hometown.

"Roiru . . . it's so frustrating having to wait so long," he smashed the ground with his fists, "I want to climb the tallest mountains and gallop through their deepest valleys, I'll tell ya. I can imagine how the wind would feel, blowing in my face on horseback," he kept throwing his hands around with his words. It was a habit he had for as long as Roiru could remember, "I swear, I'll transcend the skies one day and sail through each and every ocean out there. You know how many mysteries there are in the world? Things like the floating continent and the sunken cities of the past — the lost gates and all the other legends of mankind, I swear I'll find them all myself if I have to."

His arms fell flat to the ground. Lying beside him on the greenest grass they've ever seen, Roiru let his eyes rest again. He let his tensions melt into the earth beneath him, and a slightly chilly breeze then brushed over his skin at just the right temperature. The rustling leaves of the trees swaying with the wind behind him put his mind at ease.

"Roiru!" his brother violently shook him awake.

"Awe, come on!" Roiru shoved him down to the grass.

"Stop falling asleep on me, brother!"

"I'm not sleeping, I swear," said the boy who just woke up from a dream not even two minutes ago, "Besides, you won't be alone when you find them all, brother. I'll be right by your side — we'll even see all the great stained forests, yeah? With their bioluminescence and the animals shrouded in the elements. I want to see the world too, Ren, so let's do it together like we've done for everything."

"Ahh, finally, something you've said to contribute to the conversation."


"Damn right. You snore like a pig when you're exhausted."

"Awe, shut up, brother. You're no better yourself, except you're a pig all the time," said Roiru, stretching just before Ren punched his shoulder. They watched as the largest of extravagant merchant ships soared over their motherland. Their cloth, wood, and magical wings rode the wind currents as they swam across the sky. Their sails were the most notable things on the mast, standing with the intricate designs and popping colors of noble crests.

Just above those ships were huge, saddled dragons carrying the wealthiest passengers — a rather eccentric form of transportation. The skies over the Azalean academy and its city were always busy, reflective of the streets below.

"We should go," said Ren, springing to his feet, "It's almost time for us to sign in with our service cards."

"Right," said Roiru, grabbing Ren's hand as he pulled him up from the ground. They hit the streets, and the streets were lively, filled to the brim with peacekeepers, civilians, and merchants of the three intelligent species of the world — humans, celestials, and elves. Buildings were sprung tall, and each home was stunning, adding to the city's lavish aesthetic. Lanterns glowing red, orange, and yellow were strung over the streets, lighting the city with glistening colors after dark.

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