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There was a screeching ring of an alarm clock coming from somewhere inside the apartment. It was enough to disrupt Jimin's dreams, but not enough to wake him. and it wasn't until a finger was poking at his cheek rather roughly did he wake up. His eyebrows furrowed and his lips tugged into a scowl. He turned his head away from the consistent poking and there was a soft giggle.


Slowly,jimin let his eyes flutter open. He was laying on the couch, yurim sitting on his stomach. The little boy rubbed his eyes tiredly, his smile hazy with sleep. jimin smiled back, lifting his hand up to rub yurim's already messy hair. "Morning, yu."

Yu leaned forward, pressing his forehead against Jimin's and jimin took the opportunity to rub his nose against the younger one's. It pulled another giggle from the boy.

"Can we make waffles?"

Jimin side glanced the clock, he didn't have to be at work for two hours. It's been a while since he got to cook kids an actual meal that they could enjoy together. With a smile, he nodded.

Yurim cheered, bouncing on Jimin's stomach and he winced. "yurim."

The boy smiled sheepishly, seizing his bouncing, "sorry." He climbed off of Jimin and ran for the kitchen.

Jimin sighed, closing his eyes for only a brief moment before getting up himself. jineun was hopping around in the kitchen, singing a song from some kids show. Jimin ran a hand down her face, trying to rub away the sleepiness that lingered. He would never understand how hyper yurim could be in the morning. A brief, unwanted thought came into his mind and he wondered if maybe it came from kids's dad. He scowled, shaking away the though, his stomach twisting with sickness. kids didn't have a dad, he didn't need one. Jimin was all they needed.

"jinnie, why don't you get the flour. Please?" jineun nodded and ran over to the pantry. Jimin leaned against the counter, covering his face as he tried to settle the growing sickness in his stomach. "Stupid," he whispered.

"Mama! Can I crack the eggs?" Jimin nodded, his face buried in his hands. yurim tool bag from his sister and set the bag of flour on the ground before scrambling over to his mama, tugging on the leg of his sweatpants. "Are you okay, Mama?"

"I'm fine," he snapped, his voice coming out angrier than he meant.

yurim pulled his hand away, pouting, "are you mad at me?"

Jimin's eyes slipped shut and he sighed. Slowly, he slid to the ground, turning so he could press his back to the counter. yurim was staring at him with wide eyes, brows crinkled with worry. Jimin pulled his knees to his chest and smiled. It was forced and tight, but it was enough for his son. "I'm not mad at you, Yu. I didn't mean to snap." Yurim nodded and he fiddled with his fingers in front of his chest. Jimin reached forward, placing his own hand over yurim's. Now that, that was a trait yurim got from Jimin. An annoying trait that left ugly scars on Jimin's hands.

"I promise I'm not mad. Let's make some waffles, okay? Yes, you can crack the eggs."

yurim nodded again, this time smiling. It was a small, shy smile, one that reminded Jimin so much of himself. He let hismelf smile and he cupped yurim's cheeks, pressing a kiss on the top of his nose. "I love you, you know that?"

"I love you too," yurim said without missing a heartbeat, grinning widely.

"Come on, we have waffles to make."


It was a lot messier than Jimin intended it to be and he would've been upset if it weren't for yurim's laughter. It was loud and happy, his cheeks red as he threw more flour at Jimin. Giggling himself, Jimin tried to dodge it, rubbing some of the flour on his hands into yurim's hair. "Mama!" He complained, but his smile only widened.

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