Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

Well today sucked, nothing new but whatever, I'm just thankful to have my phone because, I mean, It's my phone. The reason I'm so pissed is my mom and step dad, literally that's it they don't have to do anything other then exist that's how much I hate them. They don't do anything like beat me or molest me which I'm grateful for, but it doesn't make me hate them any less. I really wished they were one of those workaholic people and were always on business trips so I rarely ever had to see them but life doesn't always go how we want it now does it? you're probably wondering why I hate them so much, well if my mom just left my step dad, Doug I wouldn't hate her probably at all, he's just such an ass everything is always about him he gets to come 'home' and sit in the recliner watch the ball games or whatever and be a slob and then make me clean the house and call me a slob saying my moms the only one whoever does any work around here and to leave things better then you found it when he makes the mess and I clean it and then he says my mom does it and gets mad at me so that's why when it becomes about time for him to come home I go upstairs and don't come out. not for food not to do laundry or get my backpack for homework he has ruined my life that much. My dad in the whole situation? He's the only person in my family I actually love and trust because I'm an only child but he lives about 2 hours away from me, I would move in with him in a heartbeat but I just don't want to leave my school. I'ts the only thing that makes me feel secure because I know everyone there and they all like me, I'm not popular or anything but everyone loves me because I can go to any group of people and just fit in which I'm really glad for because I know some people who can't socialize like at all but I could never do that I have to talk its my oxygen.

                                                                Till tomorrow,


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