Chapter 2

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~Brooklyn's POV~

I woke up at 6:00 this morning which is 15 minutes earlier then my alarm actually goes off, but unlike other people, once I'm up I can't go back to sleep but I can fall asleep whenever I want just not to hit the snooze button for 5 extra minutes, it's weird I hope it makes sense. I got out of my pillow covered bed- for some reason I just like to have a ton of pillows comfort me, and went to my closet to pick out an outfit for school. I had a lot of time because school doesn't start till 8:00.  I just picked out a pair of really light, almost white jeans and my Florida University sweatshirt. You'd think because I live in Florida I'd be really tan but I'm not, I only burn in the sun because I'm mostly Irish but I would look weird tan I like being pale with my freckles and stuff it all just blends in well. In fact I guess I should just describe myself, I'm 15 almost 16, in May, I have chocolate brown hair that's like 3 inches past my shoulder blades and its wavy but gets poofy when I brush it and dark green eyes, pale skin and light freckles on my cheek and nose, my nose is what people say a button nose but it just looks weird to me but I don't mind it and then I have my ears pierced, I want to get my lip pierced but my dad doesn't like the idea of it and i respect him enough to obey what he tells me, and I'm 5'6" and that's really it. I wont into the bathroom and straightened my hair, brushed my teeth and then got dressed and went downstairs. nobody was up because my mom doesn't work and Doug just goes in whenever he feels like going to work as long as he gets all his hours in. I had cereal for breakfast because I just really, really like cereal. Once I finished I grabbed my bag and left to go to the bus stop. As I arrived I saw that everybody was already there, everybody being a couple kids who i actually know just don't socialize with and then a few freshman and Juniors who I obviously wouldn't know'

*skip bus ride*

As I walked into school I noticed they let everyone to their lockers already but I didn't need to go to mine because everything I need for all my classes which is just 2 binders and a textbook I have in my bag so I went to My first period class which is a block period of language arts and literature and started reading the chapters I should have done over the weekend but that's what before class time is for right? there isn't many kids in this class only about 14 and at first I barely knew ant of them but now its cool because were like a small family at school and this is my of my favorite classes, other than my singing class which i only signed up for I didn't make it in because I'm a great singer (A/N I'm not saying this like shes down talking herself and is actually really good shes only like okay to good at singing. Ight byeee) but its fun because we never have any work and I do enjoy singing and I am one of the best singers in the class but that's just because anyone could have joined.

*Skip to after lunch, sorry about all the time skips, its just that school is boring* I walked off to my 6th period class which happens to be history, history is by far my worst subject, no matter how hard I pay attention nothing seems to stick and I always pass with a C or a D when I''m  a B average student, and my teacher, Mr. Vaid is like bipolar which makes it even worse because one minute he'll be laughing and joking and then if you add on to the joke you're breaking the schools syllabus and are put in the hallway but when you don't piss him off hes actually really cool so we all try to stay on his good side. We were in the middle of learning about the Civil war when the all too familiar laughs and loudness burst through the door.

secret brother?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora