Chapter 4

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~Brooklyn's POV~

"Can I drive?" I really want to get as much practice in before my licence test. I'm a pretty good driver if I say so myself though

"Sure, I mean you're the one who lives here and knows where everything is. Actually where are we going? I mean I guess anywhere you want to go because its sort for your day. So where do you want to go?" Mikey said

"We can go to this little bakery, its really cute. But you guys need to explain whats going on before we go anywhere." I saw Ashton look down and stiffen up a bit, but they all looked at him waiting for him to say whatever hes supposed to say. He took a deep breath and started

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I've been watching you for a while, not like stalking or anything but, well, this is hard to come out and say it, but um, were like, uh-" "He's your brother, you're name is Brooklyn cee Irwin. Oh nice middle name btw" Luke finished for him. I was stunned to say the least. although I guess that's why I've always been interested with them, I was meant to be with them, not be with them like dating but know them and grow up with them. I don't really know what to say, this is a lot to take in.

"Will you say something?" Ashton says kind of desperately.

"what am I supposed to say? this is so, um, like, I'm happy because well Ive kind of always wanted an older brother, or twin but for it to be you is amazing and but whats going to happen with, everything?" This is so surreal I can barely accept it I don't know what I'm supposed to do and I especially don't want to make a fool out of myself because I already know they have figured out I'm a fan of them if they've been watching me for a while and i don't know if they think its awkward that i already know a ton about them.

"Um can we just explain everything once we get to the bakery because this is a lot to take in and I'm really confused and yeah."

"Yeah, this is a little weird for us too because we all have a new sister now which is cool but different for us." Mikey said

~Skipping a long and awkward car ride~

We made it to my favorite bakery 'Vanilla Sugar Bakery' They have the best macaroons which are my favorite pastry but are hard as hell to make and find good ones. We sat in the lounge area and no one started speaking, so I figured I would.

"Can you please start from the beginning" my voice came out more quiet then i expected because I'm feeling uncomfortable and shy which i a new feeling to me

"Well from the beginning, it started with how mom, our mom, her work requires her to be on business trips a lot so she was out of town and so our fake dad who my whole life I thought was my real dad was watching harry and Lauren while i was out with the boys and Harry's friends mom was driving him from his soccer practice and some drunk driver came and ran into them. Harry needed a blood transfusion and nobody had his blood type, nit even his 'father', luckily I got there in time and had the same blood type and after that I talked, more like screamed out of frustration to mom and she can clean saying how Jim isn't our real dad, our real dad is somebody by the name of Carmen Smith, and after him and my mom had us two, they split up, mom got me, dad got you and he moved to the states, and then I don't know who Harry and Lauren's dad is but that's a problem for another time. So as soon as I found out i went online and looked him up and found out who his daughter is and then I looked up you and found all your social medias, made a secret account so i could follow you on them only because i needed to be discreet and have you not freak out about Ashton Irwin following you because I know you're a fan, which is kind of cool that you already like us, and just got a feel for what kind of person you are and then I figured that we should meet but I didn't know exactly the best way to do that so the boys suggested why not surprise her in person, so here we are" he finished with a sheepish smile

"Wait, So my mom isn't my real mom?" i asked with an extremely happy  ton because, you would to if you hated your mom and was told shes not your real mom.

"Nope, why are you so happy shouldn't you be a little pissed that shes been lying to you and upset that you're leaving er?" Ashton said slightly confused, as am I, I didn't know i was leaving but hey, happiness comes in a package right?

"I'm Leaving?"

"Well yeah I sort of figured you would rather live with your insanely awesome brother and his friends then with a bogus mom. So do you accept my offer?"

he asked like i was going to refuse or something. The rest of the time was just explaining the situation

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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