Chapter 3

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Okay I guess that was a little confusing, one thing I may have forgotten to mention is that I'm a 5sos fan. Not because they're "Hot and perfect" I mean yeah they're hot but I really just like their music but then I started to watch them on youtube and stuff and felt like those are the people I want to be friends with and end up being like because they're just really genuine people. Back to what just happened. first i was bored out of my mind learning about how no matter how much people deny that "slavery is the reason the civil war started" then I heard a giggle, a giggle I could decipher from a mile away and the voices of the rest of 5 seconds of summer. I was appalled to say the least, I mean why would they be in Florida, all the way from Australia and in my school, I mean obviously I'm going to play it cool and not fan girl in hopes they would take a liking to me and not find me as just another fan and if they ask ill say I know them and like them but not to the extremity of how much I like them. That wasn't the weirdest part though, it was what Calum said to Mr. Vaid "Can we talk to Brooklyn in the hall for a few minutes please?" you could see how confused and a little angered that they interrupted his class he was, none the less he let me go and I stood up dumbfounded looking at my friend Tori who also looked astonished, she knows how much I like them. I followed them outside where thy were already waiting, anxious much? They had impatient yet excited looks on their faces but when they saw me it was all excitement and anticipation

"We would like to take you out for the remainder of today and then tomorrow, we already talked to the school about it and they said it would be fine which surprised us because, well you're on truancy, that's actually kind of hilarious, but anyways we'll explain why when we get into the car, okay?" Luke said, biting his lip waiting for my reply like I was actually going to decline

"Uh okay but this is going to take a lot of explaining." I said kind of sassily, No I'm not that sassy of a person but I have my extra good sass moments.

"WE'RE OFF TO THE TRUCK!" Mikey yelled running off into a really nice black Escalade, though I'd rather have a huge Dodge Ram either matte black, yellow or red.

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