Chapter Four

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        As the man came around the corner, she threw her spear; impaling him through the chest. She walked to the man and just watched him struggle. She pulled the spear out of his chest and his body fell to the ground; smearing blood on the wall. Cala tapped her spear and the blade receded. Then her spear turned back into a small rod and she placed it at the small of her back once again.

        She turned down a dark hall. In front of her was a steal door with a tinted window. There was a sign that written in Russian. It said Authorized personal only. She tried to open it, but the door was locked from the inside. So, Cala punched the glass. The first hit made it crack. She punched it a second time and the cracks expanded. By the third time, she broke through the glass. She cleared the broken shards the best she could. She cut herself a few times.

        Then she jumped through the window; rolling to her feet. She stood up and looked around the dark room. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness. There were filing cabinets lining the far wall. An old wooden desk sat in the corner with files opened on it. She walked over to the desk and turned on the lamp that sat on the edge of the desk. Once she flipped on the light, it was her file. All of her labs, all of the notes taken during the tests, all of the reports, a data log. Everything from her past was right under her fingertips. Her ears twitched as a certain voice caught her attention.

        “You finally figured it out,” the voice rang. Cala looked up from the files and peered over her shoulder.

        “Why? Why did it have to be me,” she asked. She turned around completely and faced her maker. He just had a smug grin on his face. “Why,” she yelled.

        “Because. You were the best weapon that we made. And we knew that you were strong enough to handle the tests.” She walked up to him and slammed the door shut behind him. He jumped slightly and moved away; still holding the same expression.

        “I was a child! How could you have known that,” she hissed.

        “Ever since we put you under, you were a fighter. And I’m saying that because it was true. You put three of my men in the hospital, seven of my best guards in the morgue, seven of my fellow scientists in the hospital in critical conditions. Shall I go on,” he said. Cala turned away from him and walked back toward the desk. He opened his mouth again and mentioned something about her parents.

        That started a fire in her. She turned around and hurled her spear at him. It hit him in the shoulder and pinned him to the wall. He screamed in pain. Cala’s eyes shifted to purple as she walked up to him. A guard rounded the corner and spotted her through the broken window. Before he even gotten a chance to do anything, she pulled out Orion’s weapon and shot the soldier. The bullet ripped through the mask and hit him between the eyes.

        She finally returned her attention to her creator. She ripped the spear out of his shoulder and pinned him to the door by his throat. She put the bloody blade to his throat.

        “This is for everything you have done. All of the pain you have caused; that all comes to an end,” she said as her voice shook slightly. A frustrated tear slipped down her face. “Don’t worry. I know that you’re strong enough to handle the test,” she said with a poisonous attitude. His eyes widened. Before he could say anything, she slit his throat. Blood splattered across the wall.

        She used his lab coat to wipe the blood off her blade. She took the time to look at the lifeless husk that took her life away. Hope you’re ready for the tests that Hell has in store for you, she thought. She wiped her hands off and went back to the desk. She looked at the files before shutting the manila folder. She took the whole folder and left the office. As she moved through the halls, she looked at what Orion had given her. It was a tag of some sort that was attached to a chain. On it was a symbol that meant Hope. She put it around her neck and went for an exit. Egypt here I come. Don’t worry parents, your daughter is coming home.

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