Ch. 3

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Someone has been here. I knew it before I even got to my door. The paper that's always slipped between the doorway is on the floor. And my door visibly looks like it's been kicked. Hard. It's like it's caving in where the handle should be held upright. Not on the verge of falling off.

It's about two in the morning. Who could've done it? If it was someone from the agency looking for me then they could have called once seeing I didn't answer the door. I haven't pissed off any mail delivery workers, not enough for them to come by at 2 am to assault my propery. And the women I've left crying don't know my address. I think. And have I mentioned that it's two in the morning?... Who in their right mind is awake at that hour?!

Slowly, I approach my door, carefully avoiding the squeaky floor panels, to conceal any possible noise. Slowly reaching out to grasp the door handle and the door opens without me even turning it or applying some sort of pressure. Cliché horror movie stuff right here folks. Whoever kicked my door really wrecked it badly. Like sheesh. They owe me a new door.

Entering my apartment, I turn on the lights and I see... nothing abnormal. Everything is in it's place. The futon is in a corner, the papers and pen I was messing with are in the same place, the picture frame that's missing the picture that's supposed to be in my drawer, the sake bot- Wait a minute...

I do a double take. The picture. A specific picture that's been in that busted picture frame for years. A picture of me and him after we both became mafia executives. We're all bloody and tired but with smiles. It's not here. No. It can't be gone. Maybe I just moved it without remembering. Maybe...

It's not here. I've turned my whole apartment upside down. Everything is out of its place. No. It can't be gone. It's one of the few things I brought with me from that place. One of the few memories of...

How could I have lost it. How could I be so stupid. My thoughts are racing. The room is spinning. Why do I care so much about a picture? A picture documenting the moment I became something I never wanted in the first place. A picture with that stupid slug. That stupid... annoying... bea- ugly... man. The man I detest so.

I can't deal with this right now. This is a lot. I have to go. I can't be here. Where will I go? Anywhere. Just go. Maybe I'll kneel over dead. Maybe I'll actually drown this time. Maybe I....

Ten am.

I am greeted to the morning sun hitting me right in the face. Reminds me of how people can be very, v e r y persistent.

Next I register the sound of dogs barking. Ew. Stupid four-legged annoying waste of fur. I was here first so kindly go die. 

Whatever. The dumb thing woke me up already. Not like I was asleep but it's still that mutt's fault. Clearly it needs to disappear forever.

Stepping out of the little box fort I managed to create, I stretch and pop my back. Lovely. Better than sleeping under a bridge in the cold. At least here I had some sort of warmth.

What do I do now? I could go to the Agency but I don't feel like hearing Kunikida's nagging right now. Maybe back to my apartment and hope I have food? If not I can have a nice, deep breath of air for breakfast.

I had the sensation of being watched again on the way home. It doesn't feel malicious but I still don't like it. Although, I could get shot down and die. But they could miss and just leave me to suffer... Ew...

This time when I entered my apartment I noticed a few things. For one, my stuff has been picked up. I know for a fact I didn't clean it. I ran out leaving it looking like a dump. I don't think anyone else has a key and even if they did why would they clean my mess?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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