The Price Of Sin

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"Papa, why does Snowball have to die?" Little Isaac's eyes watered as he tugged Abraham's sleeve while his father carried the pure white lamb.

Abraham put down the lamb and knelt to face his trembling son.

"We are sacrificing it as an offering to our God," he explained.

"Why her?" The boy tilted his head and looked at his dad with moist red eyes.

"This lamb is perfect without any blemishes, what The Lord requires," Abraham held his son at eye level, trying to explain the complexity of the situation in a way the child could understand.

"Why?" The boy frowned.

"For the forgiveness of sin, a perfect sacrifice must be made."

"Why?" The boy pouted.

"Because your great great, many many great grandma Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit and got your many great grandpa Adam to eat it," Abraham tried to explain.

The boy scratched his head and tilted his head in thought.

"Papa, why does Snowball have to die because Eve ate an apple?"

"Papa, why does Snowball have to die because Eve ate an apple?"

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"Papa, where is the sacrifice?" Isaac swung his father's hand as they walked towards the place for the burnt offering.

Glancing at his son's wide, trusting eyes, Abraham replied, "My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering."

At the altar, Abraham hugged his precious son, before binding him.

"Papa?" Isaac's wide trusting eyes bore through his father.

Avoiding the boy's gaze, Abraham gently lifted his only son and placed him on the altar.

The blade glinted as Abram lifted it high above Isaac.

"Abraham, Abraham," came the voice of The Lord.

"Here am I," Abraham replied.

"Do not touch or do anything to the lad for now I know you fear God as you have not withheld your only son from me."

Relief washed through Abraham. He looked up and saw a ram trapped in a thicket. God has indeed provided the sacrifice.

Swiftly, he untied his boy and used the ram God provided for the burnt offering.


The accuser breezed into the throne room with a defiant smirk on his face.

The accuser breezed into the throne room with a defiant smirk on his face

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"I want justice," he declared.
"For rebellion, you sentenced my followers and I for rebellion to a future in the Lake of fire. Your humans disobeyed too, so justice demands they spend their future in there too."

Pain shot through the Creator's eyes.

"Bigot," snarled the accuser. "You can't let the humans go scot free. They worship my angels and myself as their gods and accept our gifts, so they deserve our punishment too."

The accuser's handsome face twisted into a cruel grin. "The punishment for sin is death. So are you a just judge or not? The debt must be paid!"



Hebrews 9:27-28 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Inspired by
Genesis 22
Hebrews 9

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