The Accuser

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The accuser stormed into the throne room. His demonic eyes glowed dangerously beneath his charming facade.

"What's the meaning of this?" He hissed.
"That man is a thief. He stole," he glared at the Creator on the throne.

"He broke YOUR law, so like every lawbreaker, he should pay the price and BURN IN HELL!" The accuser turned to address the hosts of angels around him. "See, the Creator is unjust. He lets his pets get away without serving justice."

"Justice has been served. The price for that man's sins has been paid for," said the man seated on the right hand of the Creator, His Father.

"Oh yeah?" Challenged the accuser with a knowing smile. "Blood from an unblemished one must be shed to pay the price for sin. He is imperfect. They all are. Every one of your precious humans have sinned."

The man in white stood up. "Yes, he has sinned. His debt has been paid for with my blood that was shed on the cross for him and for all mankind."

"What right have you?" Stuttered the accuser.

The Creator raised his hand and nodded at a rather bookish looking angel who stepped forward in response.

The angel was carrying an enormous book. He flipped through its pages. Looking up, he said, "Not a single sin can be found in the life of The Son of God and Son of Man known as Jesus Christ."

"The thief has no right to that sacrifice," the accuser lied, trying to find a way to condemn yet another of God's precious humans.

Flipping through the book again, the angel found the man's records, "on the day he died, he turned to Jesus and asked him to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Jesus replied that he will be with Him in paradise that very day."
The Angel flipped through the book again and read, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

The Creator nodded at the angel who closed the book and stepped back.

"The debt has been paid in full. The man goes to heaven," stated the Creator, dismissing the accuser.


Tears welled in her eyes as she gazed at the watery grave. "Momma. Poppa. I miss you so much.

Her parents were in the boat out at sea when the storm hit, sinking it. Their bodies were never recovered.

A shout resounded.
Her heart leapt in response.
Men, women and children rose from the sea's depths and flew towards the clouds.

She saw her Momma and Poppa, alive and well, shining like stars, among them.


She looked up in the clouds and saw her Saviour shining gloriously, beckoning at her

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She looked up in the clouds and saw her Saviour shining gloriously, beckoning at her.

Her fragile body was transformed, made glorious like His as she too flew up to meet him in the air.

They were going home together.


The accuser, the dragon, stormed heaven with his vast army of angels against the Creator.

The angel Michael drew out his sword and led the defence against the Devil's army, driving Satan and his followers out of heaven, casting them down to earth

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The angel Michael drew out his sword and led the defence against the Devil's army, driving Satan and his followers out of heaven, casting them down to earth.

While the heavens rejoiced, God's followers still alive on earth were in big trouble.

The Devil was furious and he knew he was running out of time.

Satan and his demons would mercilessly go all out to destroy all followers of Jesus Christ.


Inspired by
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
Revelation 12

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