Chapter Four

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Friday. Finally. Over the week I had turned the basement of Adam's house into my domain. My room was in the back and the bathroom was by the staircase. I had my own kitchen area and living space. The brunette's name was Courtney I found out after they tried bullying me on Thursday. That didn't work out too well for them. I was hurrying through my locker, eager to leave. Then I heard the familiar walk coming towards me. I turned to see Daniel standing by me. I walked closer, sensing something was wrong. I saw his face was all beat up. Anger welled inside me. I saw the blonde prick laughing with Courtney down the hall. I started to march towards him but Daniel encased me by wrapping his arm around me waist. He pulled me into a hug and I wondered what was wrong. People stared but I ignored them as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "What happened?" I whispered, like anyone could hear us.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" he whispered back, his voice shaky.

I just nodded, what happened?

On the walk home I stuck close to his side, sensing his pain. "So what happened?" I asked leaning against him.

"My dad." he said simply.

I nodded. His damn abusive father. He had only brought it up two days ago, but I had already forgotten. "You can stay as long as you need to," I said looking up at him. 

He just nodded, looking away. 

— Daniels POV —

I looked over at Scarlett, who had been clinging to me ever since we had left school. I didn't mind it at all but she was emotionless to everyone around me, except me. Her red hair flowed behind her and her soft face watched ahead. The scars on her knuckles were noticeable by a long shot, but I liked them. I slipped my arm around her waist behind her bag, testing my limits. She hesitated before walking on again. I hadn't brought clothes so I wondered what I was going to do when we worked out tomorrow. I would not go home. I wondered about how Adam would feel knowing I was staying the night, he has never really liked me. When we got to Scarlett's I noticed the house was quite big. It was two stories high and a sky blue. The lawn was well taken care of and even in the foggy weather, Adam sat gardening. He has always surprised me. He saw Scarlett and lit up. He saw me and his expression went blank. "I thought he wasn't coming until tomorrow," Adam frowned.

"Change of plans," Scarlett shrugged.

We walked inside and I followed her downstairs. It was like a whole apartment space down in the basement. She threw her bag on the couch and I stood by the doorway awkwardly. She stretched and walked into her room. I could see through her cracked door and into the mirror that she was getting undressed. I turned away feeling guilty. When she came back out she was wearing sweatpants and a black tank top. She smiled at me and I smiled back. "You can watch Tv or whatever I'm going to go grab something," and she jogged upstairs.

I went to the couch and sat down, letting my bag fall to the floor. I didn't turn on the Tv but laid back. The whole place smelled like her, violets. I breathed happily until I realized she was standing above me. Her scent rolled off of her and I took a deep breath. She smiled and threw a pair of sweatpants in my face. "You might want those, don't tell Adam I took them though," she smiled.

She sat beside me as I sat up. "You can change in the bathroom or my bedroom, I don't care," she said turning on the Tv.

I got up and went to her bedroom. The walls were grey and the carpet white. Her bed was queen sized and had a canopy above it, with curtains. Her closet was walk in a foot mirror hung on the back of the door. Along with another mirror in the corner, the one I looked into earlier. I changed into sweatpants and threw my tie on the ground, and unbuttoned the first three buttons on my school white shirt. I looked to my clothes and saw her clothes there too. I rushed out of the room, I felt so awkward. She wasn't on the couch when I walked back out. I saw she was in the kitchen making food. There were two sandwiches on the same plate. She looked back and saw me, then smiled. I smiled back and went over, stealing the first sandwich. She just laughed and we went over to sit on the couch. She laid down resting her legs on my own as she laid down. I smiled and leaned into her legs. "So where do you want me to sleep?" I asked with a smile.

"I don't care, you could sleep in my room or on the couch, I don't mind either way," she said watching the Tv.

Before long I looked over and saw the plate on the coffee table and her fast asleep. It must be tiring being Scarlett Black. I picked her up and went to her bedroom. She was abnormally weightless and stirred when I laid her down on her bed. I watched her sleep, beautiful. I shook my head not letting those thoughts flood my mind.

I went back out to the living room and continued watching Tv. I tried to avoid my thoughts on Scarlett but knowing she was in the other room fast asleep unnerved me. As I watched Tv I thought about her. She was beautiful, quick, smart, funny, surprisingly strong, and just Scarlett. I thought about her and then her body. I felt my face flush and I looked down at my lap. What were my feelings for Scarlett Black?

Ruth-lessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora